ment of our imagination. “This suggests a more spiritual explanation
to the NDE’s.”.
must simply remain unanswered.
In the meantime, I believe that the
weight of existing evidence supports the hypothesis that veridical perception exists but is difficult to capture under controlled
conditions.” This conclusion suggests that it is unclear whether
Near Death Experiences are merely imagined, and it is difficult to
define the boundary between hallucination and reality. Jan Holden
suggests that the conditions are so
rare in which we can see these phenomenon’s that knowledge on the
subject is limited. However, there is
reason to argue that in Near Death
Experiences the hallucinations’ or
imagined events are not veridical
perceptions, and are merely a fig-
There is also wide debate as to
whether near death experiences
give evidence towards an afterlife,
Jan Holden tells us more on this
subject “Regarding the question of
an afterlife, even if NDEs are transce