Ispectrum Magazine Ispectrum Magazine #08 | Page 19

overall death rate and were shorter than other ethnic groups. Latinos and Native Americans were taller and had higher mortality rates. The Blacks and Whites were the tallest and had the highest mortalities. Everyone knows that women live longer years longer than taller men. The heights of the men were obtained from military records and the population was genetically homogeneous since they intermarried due to their isolation. Their lifestyle and diet was also very similar. Thus, the many variables in lifestyle and diet that confound Western studies wer e minimized in this study. These findings were consistent with a Salaris, Poulain Spanish study of one and I published million deceased men a paper on that found shorter men male longevity lived longer. in an isolated Sardinian vilI would like to note lage. The men in this village that tall people can live were shorter a long time and many than the rest can reach 100 years of of Sardinia and age. The famous econhad the highest omist, John Kenneth percentage of Galbraith, was 203 cm centenarians. tall and lived for 98 We found that years. If tall people shorter men experienced slow and lived about two protracted growth, they than men. Many experts attribute this to female hormones. However, smaller size seems to be the explanation as Stindl reported years ago. For example, US men average 9% taller than women and have a 9% lower life expectancy at birth. The same inverse relationship applies to men and women in Japan and Poland. 18