Ispectrum Magazine Ispectrum Magazine #07 | Page 48

necessarily in the centripetal and negetropic (self organizing direction). For an example of negentropic handedness (how the Vimana flew) when you pump high inertia mercury liquid in the correct toroid spiral trajectory to make gravity, (Star Trek impulse powder vs the Kowsky-Frost which was their warp power), the direction on the critical trajectory determines the polarity of the gravity (independent inertial field) created. This is how your heart propels your aura, before and after death! human emotions like love and bliss to program DNA to implosive soul making is long wave piezoelectric braiding. Phase conjugate ‘pump waves’ from the frequency signature of EKG and EEG during love and bliss shareable wave emotions of pure intent, measurably causing implosive braid in DNA. So it is my view that the structural and wave mechanic mechanism (low frequency phase conjugate ‘pump wave’) by which DNA implodes to become negentropic and ensouled, is now fairly well understood. Consider a probable solution to why DNA- is enantiomorphic: the necessary asymmetric handedness of all biologic proteins. The direction of rotation on the surface of a torus determines whether the net gravity created is centripetal or centrifugal (similar to why one pole of a magnet is more centripetal and healing than the other the physics of yin/yang). Biologic proteins have to go one way only, so that the phase direction of the phase conjugate pump waves in DNA helixes (Schumann to EKG cascades of bliss emotion), will be 47