cine and science; it was
affirmations that really
helped put everything
together. And it drove
me crazy. I wanted to
know how they worked.
your intellect is not
available, your body
speaks to you intuitively and lets you know
what needs to change.
So, through epilepsy
and narcolepsy I used to
be asleep - I used to fall
asleep, I used to have
seizures, walk around
and fall asleep, and it
was so bad I used to
fall asleep whilst skiing;
I used to fall asleep sitting in the lab on a chair
- I‘d fall off the chair. I
even fell asleep while
running and got hit by
a truck! I know, it’s a
long story, but anyway
the point of the matter is: I’ve learned how
to do readings knowing
only someone’s name
and age. I could tell
you what was going on
in their emotional life
that aggravated their
health, and I used to do
this in medical school to
get them out of the hospital faster. So I wrote
a book; ‘Awakening
Intuition’ and, one of the
things I did to get better from epilepsy was,
this book fell off the
shelf - ‘Heal your Body’.
And it has all these little ditzy, ditzy thought
patterns so this drove
me crazy, and though
I did this and it helped
me learn how to stop
seizures with Chinese
herbs, with anti-convulsives, with medi28
So. In medical intuition, there is science
that suggests that,
and so science actually
supports Louise Hay’s
mental causes and if
you take all of these
mental causes and you
superimpose them on
a chakra system they
match medical intuition. That’s the key.
But it’s not just that,
this isn’t just a flakey
little book; there’s actually something to support it. And I wanted
to always show that, so
I walked up to Louise
about 12 years ago and
said ‘if you ever want to
write a book and show
that there’s science to
support this, just let me