ment. Dr. Pottenger wrote two timeless classics, Nutrition and Physical
Degeneration and Symptoms of
Visceral Disease. More recently, Dr.
Ernst Gellhorn, M.D.,Ph.D. Professor
of Physiology at the University of
Minnesota provided both laboratory and clinical evidence that autonomic imbalance explains most
physical and psychiatric illnesses.
Also more recently, Dr. Nicholas
Gonzalez, who operates a medical
clinic treating chronic degenerative disease, including cancer, uses
the principles of autonomic balancing. His results with certain cancers, particularly pancreatic, are
quite impressive and far superior to
“orthodox” cancer treatments. You
would think his work would be replicated all across the country. It’s
not for reasons that will be a topic
for another day, but isn’t it about
time that results are put at the top
of medicine’s priority list? There are
just too many people dying and a
lot of them unnecessarily so.