M.K. : In comparison to China, how do you rate the activities of the United
States of America regarding climate issues?
President Barack Obama
Prof. Dr. von Weizsäcker
I think that President
Obama’s ambitions are
dichotomous. The top
priority was to overcome the scandal of
the northern American
health insurance situation: one quarter of
the Americans has no
health insurance. This
25% are simply dying
if they are deadly sick,
because they can’t
afford medical treatment. So he considered the overcoming of
that scandal a higher
priority than combating climate change.
The biggest problem
is that the US-Senate,
congress and the House
of Representatives has
been utterly conserva-
tive for many decades, ed. Sadly Obama gave
maybe since the Reagan up on his environmental
years, so hardly any ambitions in the end.
progress can be expect36