Red Lady Paviland
Goat’s Hole cave, Paviland
33,000 years old. It is therefore the oldest ceremonial burial of a human anywhere in Western Europe. Awesome! Along with the bones were also discovered a mammoth’s skull and several ornamental items. The mammoth’s skull was later lost. Just how do you lose a mammoth’s skull? It’s not like it could drop behind the sofa cushions, it’s the size of a small car.
The Red Lady Of Paviland. Actually a misnomer as the remains are of a young man, but that doesn’t prevent the discovery, in my opinion, being the most important find in Wales, and unless Atlantis is found here it’s probably always going to be so. As some idea of how It’s a fairly complete Upper Paleolithic-era long ago this young man human male skeleton lived, while the cave he was found in is now on dyed in red ochre. the coast, at the time He was discovered in it was some 70 miles 1823 by Rev. William inland and overlooked Buckland in a cave on a plain. the Gower Peninsular Source: Archaeology in South Wales. It British Stephen was later radio carbon (CBA) dated and found to be Aldhouse-Green. 50
Sardinian stone warriors
If you thought the Terracotta Army was old and cool, check out the Sardinian stone warriors. They were carved from solid stone. They were discovered smashed but are now being reassembled by experts. Astonishingly