Ispectrum Magazine Ispectrum Magazine #03 | Page 38

Some think that the rainbow of colors was a reference to the flag of the gay community, but this theory has also been denied by its designer, who states that it simply symbolized the evolution from monochrome to color computers. More recently others have found Aureos numbers and Fibonacci sequences in their proportions, although a more detailed analysis - and a comparison with other logos – allows one to see that through certain sequences you can achieve any value and bring it closer to look like what in reality it is not. After the return of Steve Jobs to Apple in the middle of the 90s, the company had suffered many changes and one of them was again in its logo. The rainbow design had become a little outdated and the experts realized that the shape of the Apple more difficult to answer. It may be possible that Jobs simply liked to eat them – particularly the McIntosh variety! Why an apple? This remains more difficult to answer. But regardless, whether the roots of the logo are simple or indeed an urban legend, it remains that it could be a subliminal tribute to one of the greatest Despite the numerous minds of the last centheories, some posed tury. questions do have simple answers, such as the choice taken for the apple to have a missing bite was just to portray a sense of scale; or to show that it is an apple as opposed to a cherry. But, ultimately, the question remains: Why an apple? This remains logo is more recognizable. They began to use variants in black and white or shades of gray to replace the colored spectrum. 37