Ispectrum Magazine Ispectrum Magazine #02 | Page 48

intensity of the applied external EMF [ 23 ]. At some frequencies can behave as conductors , at others frequencies as dielectrics . Different content of water in tissues dictates different electrical and screening properties . For example , the brain is a paramagnetic tissue suspended in diamagnetic liquor that provides screening from the environmental magnetic fields , in particular from the variations of the geomagnetic field [ 16 , 20 , 21 ].
People display pronounced physiological reactions to the variation of the geomagnetic and artificial EMF : changes of arterial pressure , heart rate variability , breathing frequency , Na +/ K + exchange rate , and other parameters were recorded in multiple studies [ 19 , 11 , 12 , 13 ]. The level of these reactions depends on the type of central nervous system , age , gender and current physiological state of a person [ 14 , 15 , 17 , 18 , 22 ]. Possibly , there are critical days for every person , when physiological systems are most sensitive to the influence of natural and artificial EMF . We can conclude , that development of different means for protection from weak EMF is a task of practical importance .
Protective creams aimed at creating a thin conductive layer on the skin that prevents accumulating of surface charges results in successfully dampening of the intensity of the electric field and in the measurable reduction of the effect of EMF on area and fractality of GDV images .

intensity of the applied external EMF [ 23 ]. At some frequencies can behave as conductors , at others frequencies as dielectrics . Different content of water in tissues dictates different electrical and screening properties . For example , the brain is a paramagnetic tissue suspended in diamagnetic liquor that provides screening from the environmental magnetic fields , in particular from the variations of the geomagnetic field [ 16 , 20 , 21 ].

People display pronounced physiological reactions to the variation of the geomagnetic and artificial EMF : changes of arterial pressure , heart rate variability , breathing frequency , Na +/ K + exchange rate , and other parameters were recorded in multiple studies [ 19 , 11 , 12 , 13 ]. The level of these reactions depends on the type of central nervous system , age , gender and current physiological state of a person [ 14 , 15 , 17 , 18 , 22 ]. Possibly , there are critical days for every person , when physiological systems are most sensitive to the influence of natural and artificial EMF . We can conclude , that development of different means for protection from weak EMF is a task of practical importance .

Protective creams aimed at creating a thin conductive layer on the skin that prevents accumulating of surface charges results in successfully dampening of the intensity of the electric field and in the measurable reduction of the effect of EMF on area and fractality of GDV images .