Ispectrum Magazine Ispectrum Magazine #02 | Page 46

Fig . 8 and 9 display data obtained with different creams . GDV Area is modified by Anti EMF [ 10073 / 1 ] and Inert Powder [ 10079 / 2 ] creams , but practically no statistical group effect of Simplex [ 10073 / 4 ] cream . At the same time GDV Entropy is influenced by the presence of all the creams , but more strongly by Anti EMF and Inert Powder creams compared with Simplex cream .
Fig . 8 . Pooled of normalized GDV Area with standard deviation for a group of 37 volunteers exposed to EMF with or without different creams .

Fig . 8 and 9 display data obtained with different creams . GDV Area is modified by Anti EMF [ 10073 / 1 ] and Inert Powder [ 10079 / 2 ] creams , but practically no statistical group effect of Simplex [ 10073 / 4 ] cream . At the same time GDV Entropy is influenced by the presence of all the creams , but more strongly by Anti EMF and Inert Powder creams compared with Simplex cream .

Fig . 8 . Pooled of normalized GDV Area with standard deviation for a group of 37 volunteers exposed to EMF with or without different creams .