E xperimentation in humans indicates that electromagnetic fields ( EMF ) have detrimental effects . EMF have been reported to induce a wide variety of adverse clinical effects which include : adverse reproductive outcomes , neuro-degenerative diseases , headaches , depression , sleep disorder and fatigue . These effects have been
33 validated by large-scale , double blind clinical studies and clearly indicate that a variety of detrimental effects can occur in humans exposed to EMF from manmade technology . Exposure of human skin to EMF provokes different effects with large individual variability . In order to analyze the effect of electric and magnetic fields on human
Effects of Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields from Computer Monitors on the Corona Discharge from Skin
Gheorghe Cioca , K . Korotkov , Paolo U . Giacomoni and Glen Rein A . Korotkova
1-New Venture Technologies , Estee Lauder Companies , Melville , NY , USA . 2-Department of Computer Science , St . Petersburg Technical University ITMO , St . Petersburg , Russia . by
Konstantin Korotkov
www . korotkov . org
E xperimentation in humans indicates that electromagnetic fields ( EMF ) have detrimental effects . EMF have been reported to induce a wide variety of adverse clinical effects which include : adverse reproductive outcomes , neuro-degenerative diseases , headaches , depression , sleep disorder and fatigue . These effects have been
33 validated by large-scale , double blind clinical studies and clearly indicate that a variety of detrimental effects can occur in humans exposed to EMF from manmade technology . Exposure of human skin to EMF provokes different effects with large individual variability . In order to analyze the effect of electric and magnetic fields on human