Ispectrum Magazine Ispectrum Magazine #02 | Page 12

Photo : CERN
Regarding the energy of the LHC … Is there a maximum that you shouldn ’ t surpass or is everything allowed ? Is there any risk to Humankind in “ playing God ” - like Otto Rossler suggested - or are the dangers zero ?
M . M .
L . R .
We are nowhere such a limit . In fact quite the opposite — that is why it is so difficult to see new phenomena .
How can we imagine these hidden universes or dimensions ?
M . M .
L . R .
We can imagine them in a variety of ways — again described in
Warped Passages . One way is described wasks the question what

Photo : CERN

Regarding the energy of the LHC … Is there a maximum that you shouldn ’ t surpass or is everything allowed ? Is there any risk to Humankind in “ playing God ” - like Otto Rossler suggested - or are the dangers zero ?

M . M .

L . R .

We are nowhere such a limit . In fact quite the opposite — that is why it is so difficult to see new phenomena .

How can we imagine these hidden universes or dimensions ?

M . M .

L . R .

We can imagine them in a variety of ways — again described in

Warped Passages . One way is described wasks the question what