The research on past-life regression consists of practices and evidence based approaches . The results come from questionnaires completed before and after the therapy with a large number of individuals with a specific type of problem , including a control group to demonstrate their effectiveness ( the double-blind scientific method ).
Between 1985 and 1992 , Dr . Hazel Denning ( now deceased ), founder of the International Association for Regression Research and Therapies ( http :// www . iarrt . org ), studied the results of eight regression therapists with about 1,000 patients . The results were measured immediately after the therapy , with follow-ups six months , one year , two years and five years afterwards . From the 450 patients who could be traced after five years , 24 per cent reported that their symptoms had completely disappeared , 23 per cent reported a significant improvement , 17 per cent reported an improvement , and 36 per cent reported no improvement . Overall , this makes a positive balance of 64 per cent . In 2006 , Ron van der Maesen obtained his PhD in the research area of past-life therapy from Utrecht University in the Netherlands . His doctoral thesis was based on different studies with people who underwent treatment with past-life therapy . The studies included one in Suriname , one with the
The research on past-life regression consists of practices and evidence based approaches . The results come from questionnaires completed before and after the therapy with a large number of individuals with a specific type of problem , including a control group to demonstrate their effectiveness ( the double-blind scientific method ).
Between 1985 and 1992 , Dr . Hazel Denning ( now deceased ), founder of the International Association for Regression Research and Therapies ( http :// www . iarrt . org ), studied the results of eight regression therapists with about 1,000 patients . The results were measured immediately after the therapy , with follow-ups six months , one year , two years and five years afterwards . From the 450 patients who could be traced after five years , 24 per cent reported that their symptoms had completely disappeared , 23 per cent reported a significant improvement , 17 per cent reported an improvement , and 36 per cent reported no improvement . Overall , this makes a positive balance of 64 per cent . In 2006 , Ron van der Maesen obtained his PhD in the research area of past-life therapy from Utrecht University in the Netherlands . His doctoral thesis was based on different studies with people who underwent treatment with past-life therapy . The studies included one in Suriname , one with the