Ispectrum Magazine Ispectrum Magazine #01 | Page 28

versities around the world ) compiled hundreds of stunning testimonies and wrote some of the most powerful books concerning NDEs , scientists have become very attracted to this phenomenon . Dr Kenneth Ring , then based at the University of Connecticut , and Sharon Cooper , then a PhD candidate from the University of New York , performed a two-year study of near-death experiences in the blind , with amazing results . These were published in their book Mindsight ( 1999 ), which provided strong evidence from 31 blind people who describe the experience of seeing for the first time in their lives , giving details of medical procedures on the operating table , for instance . Jeffrey Long , MD , an oncologist , directs the Near Death Experience
Research Foundation ( http :// www . nderf . org ), which has collected more than 2,500 case studies worldwide of people who have had neardeath experiences . Because Dr . Long applies the scientific method in his research , we decided to contact him to find out more about his work . In our e-mail interview with him in August 2011 , he stated : “ My area of expertise is in neardeath experiences . NDEs provide , in my opinion , the strongest scientific evidence of life after death .” In his book Evidence of the Afterlife : The Science of Near-Death Experiences ( 2010 ),
Dr . Long gives a summary of the nine lines of evidence that point to the reality of NDEs and their consistent message of an afterlife :
The level of consciousness andalertness during near-death experiences is usually evengreater than that experienced in everyday life , even though NDEs generally occur when a person is unconscious or clinically dead . This high level of consciousness while physically unconscious is medically inexplicable . Additionally , the elements in NDEs generally follow the same consistent and logical order in all age groups and around the world , which refutes the possibility that NDEs have any relation to dreams or hallucinations .

versities around the world ) compiled hundreds of stunning testimonies and wrote some of the most powerful books concerning NDEs , scientists have become very attracted to this phenomenon . Dr Kenneth Ring , then based at the University of Connecticut , and Sharon Cooper , then a PhD candidate from the University of New York , performed a two-year study of near-death experiences in the blind , with amazing results . These were published in their book Mindsight ( 1999 ), which provided strong evidence from 31 blind people who describe the experience of seeing for the first time in their lives , giving details of medical procedures on the operating table , for instance . Jeffrey Long , MD , an oncologist , directs the Near Death Experience

Research Foundation ( http :// www . nderf . org ), which has collected more than 2,500 case studies worldwide of people who have had neardeath experiences . Because Dr . Long applies the scientific method in his research , we decided to contact him to find out more about his work . In our e-mail interview with him in August 2011 , he stated : “ My area of expertise is in neardeath experiences . NDEs provide , in my opinion , the strongest scientific evidence of life after death .” In his book Evidence of the Afterlife : The Science of Near-Death Experiences ( 2010 ),

Dr . Long gives a summary of the nine lines of evidence that point to the reality of NDEs and their consistent message of an afterlife :

1 .

Crystal Clear Consciousness

The level of consciousness andalertness during near-death experiences is usually evengreater than that experienced in everyday life , even though NDEs generally occur when a person is unconscious or clinically dead . This high level of consciousness while physically unconscious is medically inexplicable . Additionally , the elements in NDEs generally follow the same consistent and logical order in all age groups and around the world , which refutes the possibility that NDEs have any relation to dreams or hallucinations .