the gland would be like a mobile phone that captures the electromagnetic waves coming from the spirit world . Once the waves reach the pineal gland , they bounce off the brain sand , sequestering the electromagnetic field and transmitting the information to the cerebral cortex for the interpretation of the message . In October 2010 in Valencia , Spain , I ( Martínez ) conducted an interview with Dr . Sérgio Felipe de Oliveira , who showed images from his magnetic resonance experiments and pointed out these differences in the level of brain sand in the pineal gland that are related to extrasensory abilities .
Dr Sérgio Felipe de Oliveira
At King ’ s College London there is a revolution going on in the world of thanatology , the scientific study of death . The researcher , Peter Fenwick , MD , is performing detailed experiments on the phenomenon that takes place between the 24 and 48 hours before and
the gland would be like a mobile phone that captures the electromagnetic waves coming from the spirit world . Once the waves reach the pineal gland , they bounce off the brain sand , sequestering the electromagnetic field and transmitting the information to the cerebral cortex for the interpretation of the message . In October 2010 in Valencia , Spain , I ( Martínez ) conducted an interview with Dr . Sérgio Felipe de Oliveira , who showed images from his magnetic resonance experiments and pointed out these differences in the level of brain sand in the pineal gland that are related to extrasensory abilities .
Dr Sérgio Felipe de Oliveira
At King ’ s College London there is a revolution going on in the world of thanatology , the scientific study of death . The researcher , Peter Fenwick , MD , is performing detailed experiments on the phenomenon that takes place between the 24 and 48 hours before and