Serious scientific research is actively involved in investigating the reality of dimensions beyond the 4 described by General Relativity , of multiple universes created from a quantum foam ,
and even information stored in the very fabric of space-time itself . Numerous empirical observations are driving this research as scientists find that 98 % of the Universe is not directly detectable , what is referred to as “ dark energy ” – an unseen plenum that seems to permeate even the smallest space but orchestrates whole galaxies into a quantum coherent system where billions of stars move together in a galactic symphony of harmony .
Could it be that there is much more to the Universe than what we directly perceive with our physical senses ? Could the Universe be layered in multiple dimensions ?
Serious scientific research is actively involved in investigating the reality of dimensions beyond the 4 described by General Relativity , of multiple universes created from a quantum foam ,
and even information stored in the very fabric of space-time itself . Numerous empirical observations are driving this research as scientists find that 98 % of the Universe is not directly detectable , what is referred to as “ dark energy ” – an unseen plenum that seems to permeate even the smallest space but orchestrates whole galaxies into a quantum coherent system where billions of stars move together in a galactic symphony of harmony .
Could it be that there is much more to the Universe than what we directly perceive with our physical senses ? Could the Universe be layered in multiple dimensions ?