Ispectrum Magazine 16 | Page 21

This triggers a chemical temperature control within a threesecond time segment. Problem solved. The second is called attenuation – this is negative noise frequency buildup that at some point will overwrite the signal. Technically this is resolved via attenuation or signal amplifiers. In the human body this was resolved in the simplest but most effective way – with polarity switching, known as attenuation. In the human body this attenuation was done twice – once in the lower torso and the second time in the neck. This prevents overheating of the body from one side and it protects the brain from the other side. In order to complicate the picture, let us get back to the first diagram which indicates that half of the system has a high concentration of CO2 and the other half has a high concentration of oxygen. Considering the chemical difference each half oscillates in a slightly different harmonic frequency, which when combined, makes a perfect frequency oscillation filter bridge (ref. to following equations Vpp = I / R where R = 2f.c > Vpp 20 = I / 2f.c). Here is the technical description. The blood comprises water, which oscillate at a frequency of 3657 cm -1 wavelength. CO2 oscillates frequency of 1334 cm -1. Oxygen oscillates at a frequency in the range of 1103 cm -1 wave length. Either component has a harmonic frequency lower than water which means that each component deviates from the base water frequency at a slightly low amplitude.