Outokumpu Corporation has appointed Kati ter Horst ( MBA , M . Sc . Econ .) as President and CEO as of 9 October 2024 , at the latest . She will be based at Outokumpu Corporation ’ s headquarters in Helsinki , Finland . Ms . ter Horst joins Outokumpu from Belgian company Aliaxis S . A ., a specialist in fluid management systems , where she has held the position of Divisional CEO EMEA since 2022 .
Ms . ter Horst has been a member of the Outokumpu Board of Directors since 2016 and Vice Chairman since 2022 . Following her appointment , she will resign from the Board at the end of September 2024 .
“ Kati ter Horst has a strong track record in process industries and extensive international leadership experience from complex business environments . Outokumpu ’ s Board of Directors is confident that she is the right person to lead the company ahead . Naturally , her experience as an active and respected member of the Board of Outokumpu over the past eight years is an additional advantage . Her long background with the company provides her profound knowledge and understanding of Outokumpu ’ s business as well as commitment to company strategy . I am very pleased to welcome Kati as the new President & CEO of Outokumpu ,” announced Kari Jordan , Chairman of the Board of Directors of Outokumpu Corporation .
“ Outokumpu stands tall as a global pioneer in sustainable stainless steel , spearheading innovation and catalysing the green transition in societies . Thanks to the transformation that has been carried out during the past years , the company is financially stronger than ever . I ’ m truly honoured and excited to get the opportunity to lead Outokumpu into the next phase of our industry ’ s evolution as its global frontrunner , I ’ m fully committed to Outokumpu ’ s strategy and excited to take it forward ,” confirmed Kati ter Horst .
Juhani Ristaniemi was also appointed as Executive Vice President , General Counsel and Member of the Outokumpu Leadership Team , as of 1 July 2024 . n
www . outokumpu . com
Kati ter Horst .
Kati ter Horst appointed President and CEO of Outokumpu
The American Iron and Steel Institute ( AISI ) presented two awards in May to recognize individuals who have made significant contributions to advancing the competitive use of steel in the marketplace , specifically in the construction and automotive markets . The awards were presented at AISI ’ s General Meeting in Washington , DC ( USA ).
The “ 2024 Market Development Industry Leadership Awards ” went to Brian Keierleber , P . E ., County Engineer of Buchanan County , Iowa , and Michael Worswick , Ph . D ., P . Eng ., Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering at the University of Waterloo .
“ Brian Keierleber oversees the maintenance and construction of 963 miles of county roads and 260 county bridges . He has been instrumental in adopting new steel technologies to accomplish this mission . His groundbreaking achievements include construction of the first press brake-formed tub girder ( PBFTG ) structure in the U . S .; the first bridge designed and built using eSPAN140 ( a free web-based design tool developed by AISI ) and the first known county bridge fabricated entirely with galvanized steel , showcasing the durability
Winners of 2024 Market Development Industry Leadership Awards
Michael Worswick ( middle ) accepts his award .
and longevity of hot-dip galvanized steel in harsh environments ,” explained AISI .
“ Michael Worswick co-directs the Waterloo Forming and Crash Lab and leads a research programme addressing the fabrication of lightweight automotive body and structural components and their crash safety performance . His work is important to understanding the behaviour of automotive steel grades under all conditions . He has worked extensively with AISI ’ s Automotive Applications Council and the Auto / Steel Partnership and was recognized with the Auto / Steel Partnership ’ s Award of Excellence in 2020 and in 2022 ,” it added . n
www . steel . org
Canadian award for Altintas |
Dr . Yusuf Altintas , a professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at UBC ’ s Vancouver campus , is one of four UBC community members to be named an Officer of the Order of Canada . |
Dr . Yusuf Altintas . |
teaching accomplishments include a UBC Killam Teaching Prize , founding the Master of Engineering in Mechatronics Design and becoming one of the founding coordinators of the Manufacturing Engineering Programme at UBC .
His research also impact extends internationally , as highlighted by his work to digitally transform aerospace and automotive manufacturing in collaboration with Fraunhofer in Germany . He was also
“ A world leader in manufacturing automation , metal cutting dynamics and the computer control of machine tools , Dr . Altintas is also the founder and director of UBC ’ s Manufacturing Automation Laboratory . He is an exceptional mentor who has contributed to cultural and educational organizations worldwide ,” commented UBC ( the University of British Columbia ) in Canada .
His research contributions are vast , with more than 300 publications over the past 44 years .
named the top Turkish scientist living abroad by the Scientific and Technological Research Institution of Turkey with a $ 30,000 award , which he donated to a scholarship foundation in Turkey .
He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada ; Engineers Canada ; the U . S . National Academy of Engineering and the German National Academy of Science and Engineering . He was also the President of the International Academy of Production Engineering . n
He is also the founder and coordinator |
of the Mechatronics undergraduate programme option at UBC . His other |
https :// mech . ubc . ca / |
Image : Kai Jacobson / UBC Mechanical Engineering .
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