ISMR September 2023 | Page 25


Augmented Reality ( AR ), Virtual Reality ( VR ) and Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) are just some of the technologies that manufacturers are adopting to enhance , streamline and add efficiencies to their operations
best leverage the huge potential of digital technology to meet evolving customer demands , whilst avoiding the associated investment risks and data privacy pitfalls ,” added Dassault Systèmes .
Robotics and automation
The stock of operational robots around the globe hit a new record of about 3.5 million units , with the value of installations reached an estimated US $ 15.7 billion according to the International Federation of Robotics ( IFR ). It has analysed the top five trends shaping robotics and automation in 2023 : energy efficiency ; reshoring ; ease of use ; Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) and digital automation ; and a second life for industrial robots .
Today ’ s robots are designed to consume less energy , which leads to lower operating costs . Robot programming has also become easier and more accessible to non-experts . Connected robots are also transforming manufacturing . The improvement of connectivity and safety technologies means that we are increasingly seeing more powerful autonomous mobile robots ( AMRs ) on factory floors . Cobots ( working in collaboration with human operators ) are also becoming more prevalent .
Manufacturers are also employing more automation in and around their machine tools and production lines to offset labour shortages and improve their productivity .
Supply chain resilience
“ As manufacturers face long lead times , increased costs and a scarcity of raw materials , they are taking steps to boost supply chain resilience through reshoring , cybersecurity , increased supplier pools and more ,” commented the National Association of Manufacturing in the United States .
The COVID-19 pandemic raised awareness around the manufacturing industry ’ s dependence on offshoring facilities when critical supply shortages led to production issues . Global supply chain disruption has
The drive to Net Zero has spurred investment in sustainable technologies .
made it challenging for manufacturers that source materials from other countries , which has also sparked renewed interest in nearsourcing .
However , supply chain resilience is not just about reacting to present problems . The speed of market and technological transformation means that for businesses to remain resilient , they need to keep an eye on where their sectors are going and what that means for their supply chains in the future .
High energy costs
Many manufacturers are working at pace to find solutions to cope with soaring energy bills . The challenge is huge , especially for firms that are energy-intensive in their production . Some have prioritised securing their own energy . Many have managed to find the funds and moved to onsite energy generation .
Energy efficiency measures and investments have also increased in the face of this challenge . The immediate energy crisis provides a strong incentive to invest in green energy .
“ Manufacturers are committed to strengthening operations and maintaining a healthy planet at the same time . More than ever , manufacturing companies are looking for ways to reduce carbon emissions ,” commented the NAM .
This trend has moved the focus to energyefficient production ; electromobility ; alternative drives and more .
“ 85 % of consumers now prefer to purchase an experience or a product or a service that is sustainable ,” said Florence Verzelen of Dassault Systèmes . “ This means that you must incorporate sustainability right across your value chain from design , to manufacture , to logistics and to how you recycle products
ISMR September 2023 | ismr . net | 25