ISMR October 2024 | Page 122


The future of rolling technology

Faccin Group manufactures advanced plate rolls , angle rolls , dished-head lines and special machines for a variety of applications across multiple industries . Founded in the 1960s , the company has significantly expanded its operations and emerged as a global innovator in the provision of metalforming equipment .
Its three prominent brands are Faccin , Roundo and Boldrini . By fostering strategic collaborations , the group amplifies the strengths inherent in each brand , unlocking the full potential of their combined capabilities and resources .
“ Our extensive expertise , coupled with a highly qualified research and development team comprising 17 skilled engineers , has empowered us to introduce three innovative products simultaneously . These are the Faccin wireless radio control , the revolutionary CNC console and the four-roll electric-drive plate roll ,” the Faccin Group told ISMR .
Wireless radio control
Faccin ’ s wireless radio control allows operators to oversee the entire rolling process , including all machine accessories . Linked wirelessly to the CNC console , this remote radio control boasts a screen that mirrors the console ’ s display in real-time . Light and easy to carry , this portable device comes with a shoulder strap . It functions as an extension of the main console , offering operators freedom of movement and enhancing their ability to manage the rolling process .
“ The ability to move freely is crucial , enabling the operator to halt and access the machine whenever needed , maximising safety . The wireless radio control also features four customisable buttons on its sides for additional user-selected functions , along with a large joystick for pre-axis rotation control ,” explained the manufacturer .
Ergonomic console
The new ergonomic console , paired with wireless remote control and Siemens PGS-Absolute software , includes advanced features designed to give the CNC speed , precision and power .
“ The CNC console , fitted with the newly developed Siemens PGS-Absolute software , boasts a range of features aimed at boosting automation , enhancing machining output , delivering exceptional finishes and ensuring part consistency ,” explained the Faccin Group .
Faccin wireless radio control for free movement and control .

Benefits of wireless radio control

■ Streamlines machine start-up for operators .
■ All machine commands are manageable via remote radiocontrol .
■ New command to set the maximum translation and rotation speed of the rolls .
■ Precise micro-positioning is possible .
■ Enables proportional movements , thus regulating variable speed with joysticks .
■ Permits multiple movement actions contemporaneously ( particularly useful when rolling complex and polycentric shapes ).
■ One single operation , particularly useful for large rolling equipment .
■ Total automation .
122 | ismr . net | ISMR October 2024