ISMR October 2024 | Page 116


The modular multicoil systems each consist of four decoilers , sheet metal tracks , a multi-table and a six-roll straightening unit with guillotine shear and flatness measurement .
multicoil systems from Forstner . These have been integrated into a two-stage process :
“ You must involve employees and allow them the opportunity to get used to the new production process , adapt to it and learn the new technology . We first wanted to see whether the Forstner systems could really deliver what we expected of them . That ’ s why we initially invested in just one machine . Less than two years later , the second Multicoil from Forstner followed ,” confirmed Andreas Dittrich .
“ Investment in the two machines was absolutely right and important . This has enabled us to take another major step towards process optimisation ,” he added .
When it came to straightening , initially there was a measure of uncertainty among those responsible at FläktGroup . Would Forstner ’ s six-roll straightening unit meet the company ’ s high-quality requirements ? Are the sheet metal cuts from the coil ( coil curvature ) really flat so that the processing machines can produce flawlessly ?
To be prepared for all eventualities and be able to react quickly , if necessary , the system was designed in such a way that retrofitting with a levelling machine would have been possible .
“ Despite Forstner ’ s assurances , we were a little unsure and wanted to play it safe . However , it quickly became apparent that the Forstner straightening unit fully met the requirements and we therefore did not have to invest in a cost-intensive levelling machine ,” Andreas Dittrich explained .
in our business partner ( ambition , initiative , responsibility and team spirit ), then nothing stands in the way of long-term cooperation and partnership . We felt that we were in good hands with Forstner right from the start ,” he concluded . n
www . flaktgroup . com / en /

About CIDAN Machinery Group

The CIDAN Machinery Group offers a comprehensive machine portfolio from manual segment folding machines and modular machine solutions to systems for fully automated sheet metal profile production . The Group was founded in 1907 and has around 350 employees , three factories and four well-known brands : CIDAN ( metal folders and metal shears ) from Sweden , Forstner ( coil lines ), nuIT ( software ) from Austria and Thalmann ( long folding machines ) from Switzerland .
At EuroBLECH ( 22-25 October 2024 ) in Hanover , on stand D154 in Hall 11 , the CIDAN Machinery Group will be presenting two folding machines and a manual segment folding machine . The Forma Z32 up-down folding machine , with a material-friendly brush table , will be shown for the first time in Hanover . It is equipped with the nuLINK control system , which can now also be used to produce boxes . The latest version of its nuEVOLUTION sheet metal profile production software will also be presented at the trade fair .
Forstner will also be presenting two slitting and cut-to-length lines at EuroBLECH 2024 : the modular nuSLIT and an approximately 14m-long multicoil line . The TD double folder from Thalmann demonstrates almost fully automatic , efficient sheet metal profile production . The sheet metal blanks are automatically drawn in from the side , automatically flipped and the finished folded sheet metal profiles are automatically removed .
. cidanmachinery . com
A strong partnership
Andreas Dittrich is also very satisfied with the coil line specialist from Feldkirch in Austria in areas such as technical expertise , personal commitment and proactive action .
“ A good product is the basis of the business . If we then also find similar values to ours
The integrated scissor lift table and individually secured , separately controllable safety doors allow the coils to be set up in parallel with production .
116 | ismr . net | ISMR October 2024