An LVD Smart Factory Live tour .
The LVD Innovation Tour
Faced with the uncertainty of in-person trade show events , LVD North America , LVD Group ’ s largest subsidiary , chose to bring the technology to fabricators across the U . S . with the LVD Innovation Tour . A 46-foot customised mobile roadshow , the LVD Innovation Tour , showcases LVD ’ s innovative technology for sheet metalworking . It features a Dyna- Press Pro press brake with Easy-Form ® Laser adaptive bending system and CADMAN ® software , and spotlights a variety of LVD products in virtual sessions . Visitors step onto the truck and into the experience . The mobile roadshow took to the road on the week starting 4 October 2021 and will continue touring into 2022 . For more details , visit www . lvdgroupinnov8 . com / innovation-tour
The LVD Innovation Tour . you can improve efficiencies , you can redeploy personnel to new value-add tasks or processes . Efficiency is in the material flow , even for small to medium-size batches .
It is important for customers to invest in the relevant technologies that enable them to accelerate the ‘ order to cash ’ cycle and protect their margins . In the last 18 months , the cost of shipping containers and surety of supply are now issues so I think more people will be receptive to the technologies that we have developed . Nowadays , people are more aware of Industry 4.0 and the flow efficiencies that can keep them competitive .
ISMR : How are you leveraging technologies such as Industry 4.0 , artificial intelligence , Big Data , VR , robotics etc . for your business .
MF : Our customers are now asking about these technologies without being prompted . They know that they need Industry 4.0 . We have been practising Industry 4.0 principles for many years now through our centralised CADMAN database ( the hub ) to help users manage processes , run times , feedback etc . We continue to develop the software – the latest version is CADMAN ® 8.7 , which allows us to add value to operations by enabling users to implement ancillary operations into the planning flow .
We already work with automation specialists , such as KUKA , on bending robotics .
We are co-developing Virtual Environment programming solutions , such as CADMAN ® - SIM , which is the key element to re-imagining bending automation . With this unique software solution , we can get from ‘ Art to Part ’ in under 20 minutes including robot and press brake programming and even set-up and first part production .
However , the over-riding question with any new emerging technology is whether this adds value to customer processes . We are application-driven and want to understand the process . We will only bring a new technology to market when we can clearly see how it can add value . We understand Big Data and Industry 4.0 . and understand that they add value to the entire process flow . It underpins our philosophy and all our machine development .
ISMR : Thank you for your time . n
Online resource centre
LVD recently launched its Resource Centre , a new online portal offering fabricators 24 / 7 access to information on new sheet metalworking equipment , industry trends , ideas and strategies to advance their business . Within the Resource Centre , visitors can gain perspective on the current state of metalworking from LVD technical experts , discover how to address fabrication challenges and learn ways to operate more efficiently in a changing marketplace . See
www . lvdgroup-insights . com / en / resource-center /
30 | sheetmetalplus . com | ISMR October 2021