ISMR October 2021 | Page 101


Air plasma systems

Hypertherm , a manufacturer of industrial cutting systems and software , recently announced the launch of three new air plasma systems called Powermax SYNC ®. Featuring built-in intelligence and a single-piece cartridge consumable , this next generation of Powermax65 / 85 / 105 systems is , said the company , ‘ unlike any other plasma in the world .’ The Powermax SYNC series was unveiled at the 2021 FABTECH exhibition in Chicago .
Powermax SYNC and its SmartSYNC ® torch replaces the traditional five-piece consumable stack-up with a single colourcoded cartridge . Technology embedded in each cartridge automatically sets the correct amperage , air pressure and operating mode and lets operators know when a new cartridge is needed . Additionally , controls on the SmartSYNC torch allow operators to adjust the amperage and change the cartridge without returning to the power supply .
The cartridge is manufactured as a single piece so everything within it is aligned and optimised . As a result , said Hypertherm , the cartridge for Powermax ® systems will last ‘ up to twice as long and deliver cleaner cuts versus traditional consumables .’ The cartridge can track data , such as starts and arc-on time , to identify trends and help to make a user ’ s operation more efficient .
“ The Powermax SYNC series delivers incredible ease of use , lower operating cost and better performance than any other air plasma before it ,” said Erik Brine , general manager of Hypertherm ’ s Powermax team . “ We are excited to introduce what is truly a groundbreaking new product to the fabrication
industry . This simplified operation helps fabricators to address many of the toughest challenges they face today by eliminating operator errors , downtime , troubleshooting , waste and training time .”
Hypertherm engineers have also developed an adapter for Duramax ® and Duramax Lock torches to enable owners of the Powermax45 XP and Powermax65 / 85 / 105 to enjoy some selected benefits of the cartridge consumable platform such as faster change-outs , easier ordering and inventory tracking , longer life and improved cut quality . n
. hypertherm . com

Quality analysis software

Today , 3D metrology enables numerous manufacturing companies to monitor and optimise their quality processes . GOM , a ZEISS Group company , offers an all-in solution for quality analysis with its software . In addition to its GOM Inspect and GOM Correlate solutions , the Braunschweigbased company provides software packages for additional user groups with the launch of two new products . With GOM Volume Inspect as measurement and inspection software of volume data , industrial CT users are addressed . GOM Blade Inspect is designed for users in the aerospace industry and is designed to meet the metrological requirements of the gas turbine sector .
With the new GOM Suite , users have direct access to all GOM software variants and GOM services , such as training courses or the GOM Forum . “ Besides making it as easy as possible for our customers to get started with the software , we also want to give them all the supplementary offerings at hand ,” explained Stefan Zerbst , Manager Software Development , GOM .
As inspection software for 3D data , GOM Inspect supports its users in simple or complex inspection tasks from scanning the part to be inspected via mesh editing , CAD import , required GD & T analyses up to trend analysis , digital assembly or proprietary inspection .
“ With its parametric concept , the software automatically stores each individual
GOM Suite features four powerful software variants .
inspection step : all working steps are easily traceable , repeatable and editable . A template can be created for each process step , which is then available for future tasks . This simplifies and accelerates recurring measurements , which leads to a clearly demonstrable increase in efficiency , especially in series production ,” explained GOM .
For industrial CT technology , GOM Volume Inspect visualises volume data and intuitively guides the user through the inspection of internal structures . This allows users to make high-precision statements about the quality of the measuring objects and to visualise geometries , defects , structures and assembly situations individually . Various reporting tools are available to the user : snapshots , videos , volume slices , tables , diagrams , texts and graphics can be integrated in the measurement report .
For parts from the aerospace industry or gas turbine sector , the smallest details are often crucial , as the part quality has a direct impact on safety , durability or fuel consumption . With its new GOM Blade Inspect software , the company offers a targeted solution for this industry . Standardised inspection functions can be combined with application-specific evaluations . The analysis of profiles and turbine blades includes inspection of the profile mean line , profile centroid and the profile thickness of turbine blades based on 2D sections . Radii and torsion can also be computed .
GOM Correlate evaluates 2D or 3D data based on digital image correlation and provides detailed information on displacement , strain and deformation of material samples and parts under load or in motion . By using videos , dynamic processes can be captured precisely , analysed individually and evaluated in a targeted manner , for example , for the standardised determination of material parameters . n
. gom . com / goto / azb6
ISMR October 2021 | sheetmetalplus . com | 101