Four-roll bending . Thin sheet-metal parts can be processed on the RCE system . material . We have made the machine as simple as possible for operators to use . We ramped up this operation in mid-2022 and , if we need more capacity in the future , we are ready to invest .
ISMR : Apart from these new technologies and investments , what else would you count among your key achievements this year ?
GC : The COVID-19 pandemic has been a challenge to navigate but , despite this , our business has been very good . It is not the first global crisis we have had to navigate . I bought the business in September 2008 , just a week before the financial crisis …. Every crisis focuses the mind on what really matters and makes us think about our processes and ways in which we could improve our systems and services . It keeps us from being complacent . We decided to review our product portfolio ; our communication policy ; our position in the market ; investment plans etc . during the pandemic . We are also finalising our digitalisation plan .
I am quite happy with the supply strategy that we have followed for the past 20 years . We have a strong supply base in France and across Europe . This stood us in good stead during the pandemic and secured our supply , making us more flexible .
When the pandemic struck , our sales were split 50 % from overseas and 50 % from France . We then sold only to French manufacturers during the pandemic and doubled our sales figures . We are now growing at 15 % per year . The French government ’ s tax incentive programmes for capital equipment acquisitions also played a part in this .
Cable car construction is one application for rollbending .
ISMR : Which trends and movements do you see in global roll-bending markets ?
GC : I see a growing trend towards remote diagnostics and real fabrication support . It suits customers and suppliers . In 30 minutes , for example , you can log into a machine , see what is happening , consult remotely with the customers and quickly diagnose and remedy any operational fabrication issues . It reduces any downtime and keeps machines running .
Roll bending is a complex process which requires a great deal of expertise so , in a climate of worker shortages , we have tried to improve and simplify the operator experience for our customers . Our challenge is to make an unexperienced operator proficient on our machines . It is why we focus and invest so much on simulation ; updated algorithms ; new software versions and increased ergonomy . Improvements must always have a practical focus . The new features that we develop are geared towards improving our customers ’ processes . It is easier for us , as a small and agile company , to invest in making this process easier for customers . We test a lot , fix any bugs that arise and are not afraid of making mistakes . All our customers receive new software versions for free . Our focus is always on continuous improvement .
ISMR : Thank you for your time . n
Easyroll software
Control the CNC roll bending machine using one of four control systems .