FACE TO FACE abrasive grinding belt and brush . Last , but not least , you can find our entry-level deburring machine , the 10 series Manual Grinder , on our stand . This solution is three-to-four times ’ faster than deburring by hand and is very easy to use .
The rest of our innovations here at EuroBLECH concern modifications , updates and new features on equipment . One of the most important market drivers right now is energy efficiency . All the motor drives that we use are EA3 ( the highest energy- and efficiency-saving class ). We apply frequency drives to all motors in our machines ( they only draw energy for the job that needs to be done and then automatically fall back to lower energy usage ). This particularly impacts vacuum-table performance ( depending upon the volume of parts on the table ) and leads to significant energy and cost savings .
2022 is the first year , after the pandemic , that we are back at big shows again and EuroBLECH is our first major show this year . We view it as a barometer to gauge the economy next year . We are very pleased with the show this year . The number of visitors to our booth has been excellent and the amount of leads is at least as good as four years ago .
Brushes on the 22 series machine .
ISMR : What is your strategic focus for the company going forward ?
PH : We have set a new strategic path and are growing the company worldwide with acquisitions in the U . S ., as well as other global acquisitions . These will see the company grow to a turnover of between 150 and 200 million euros ( employing between 700-800 people ).
As we are already the biggest company in the world in wide-belt sanding ( particularly in Europe and the USA ), we will be close to
Timesavers ’ 42 series machine at EuroBLECH 2022 .
making 75-80 million euros in turnover for wide-belt sanding ( with the new acquisitions ).
Our “ bread and butter ” business is edge-rounding and deburring machines . We have such a wealth of process and application knowledge in these technologies . The customer base is still strong enough for us to grow , even with the number of competitors and products in the market , so we place a strong focus on continuous innovation every year . At Blechexpo in Stuttgart , for example , next year , we will be introducing more new technologies for our machines .
We are also working on an exciting new strategic goal and new accompanying technology . In the next year , the first working concepts will be ready and we plan to reveal the prototype at EuroBLECH in two years ’ time . I cannot say any more on this , I am afraid .
ISMR : How has this year been for Timesavers ? What is your forecast for 2023 ?
PH : This year and , in fact , the last two years have been very good for us . We registered a 70-million-euro order intake worldwide this year . However , we were ( like other manufacturers ) affected by supply-chain issues for deliveries of microchip-related parts which delayed our delivery lead times . We had to do everything in our capacity to keep our production running to get these parts , using all our global sources ( in the U . S .,
China , India and business partners etc .) to meet customer expectations . Because we were
Left : Part finishing ( before and after ).
The 22 series WRBW 600mm wide rotary brush machine with pictogram control for deburring , edge rounding , the removal of laser oxide and finishing .
The Hammerhead solution .
The Timesavers International booth at EuroBLECH 2022 in Hanover , Germany .