Almacam Weld .
Almacam Weld
■ Nesting and CAM for 2D cutting ( laser , plasma , oxycutting , waterjet ); punching-nibbling and routing ( Almacam Cut / Punch / Routing and the Nest & Cut web application ).
■ Production management ( integration with ERP , launching orders and stock management , workshop station , production planning etc .)
■ Sheet-metal quoting and management of quote requests via the web ( Almaquote , Webquote ).
■ CAM for 3D cutting , tube and profile cutting ( Almacam Tube and Almacam Space Cut ).
■ Offline programming of welding robots ( Almacam Weld ).
■ CAD / CAM for assembly import , unfolding of sheet-metal parts and offline programming of press brakes ( Assembly2cam , Unfold , Almacam Bend ).
“ Our CAD / CAM solutions are designed to meet every need from the nesting software component to the complete software solution ( Almacam ). Here at EuroBLECH , we are promoting the fact that we are ready with Saas ( software as a solution ) and Cloud solutions as well as a new software subscription model . For Cloud and SaaS solutions , we provide two major products : Nest & Cut and Webquote solution ( an option in Almaquote ). Almacam Pass is the subscription model for our Almacam software ( for 2D cutting and punching ),” Christelle Savorgnani , Sales & Marketing Manager , CAM Software , Alma , told ISMR at EuroBLECH in Hanover .
Nest & Cut is an automated web application that nests parts and generates the NC code for machines . It enables continuous cutting throughout the cycle . According to Alma , no installation or training is needed and the application is always fully up to date . With Nest & Cut , any company involved in cutting flat materials can access nesting algorithms to reduce raw material costs without investing in a costly “ heavy client ” solution . Nest & Cut exploits all the power of the Cloud to optimise not only nesting computation times but also the time required to process and automatically
Almacam Tube .
clean the DXF geometries transferred by the user . Today , it has several hundred users worldwide and now the application makes it possible to generate ISO programs for simple NC cutting machines .
“ We are also placing a particular focus on the new version of our Almacam Tube ( now fully integrated into our Almacam suite ) and the new version ( with new user interface ) of Almacam Quote . This system provides rapid and accurate quotations . Target customers for this are subcontractors or manufacturers who wish to send quotations to customers and users . Our Webquote solution is a web application option in Almaquote which manages the quotation request between the ordering parties and the subcontractors . It handles all this on the same web platform ; there is no need for complex email requests between the two parties ,” added Savorgnani .
Almacam ’ s latest innovations also included a new palletising module for the evacuation of
Nest & Cut web nesting program .
cut parts ; a new interface for editing quotes ; new functionalities in OLP to further facilitate the automation of robot programming and extended functions of the Nest & Cut web application to export NC code for many cutting machines .
Almacam is now available as a Saas solution ( Almacam Pass ), providing a flexible and all-inclusive service to program machines and draw up quotes , enabling manufacturers to deal with a wide range of activities . If a
The Almaquote option .