As a key marketplace for the industry , EuroBLECH 2022 offered visitors the opportunity to find solutions to current challenges in the industry . It connects them with businesses from all over the world to help them integrate the latest machinery and software into their manufacturing processes . Reflected in this year ’ s motto ‘ Your gateway to a smarter future ’, EuroBLECH 2022 focused on intelligent solutions and the ongoing automation and digitalisation of the manufacturing chain to enable an increase in output and efficiency .
Hot topics at the show this year were digitalisation , sustainability and Industry- 4.0 . Many of the products and innovations showcased at EuroBLECH 2022 have been developed with a focus on cost and resource efficiency . The show was also the venue for a plethora of new machine , technology and software launches .
In addition to innovations and numerous live demonstrations at the exhibition stands , the EuroBLECH 2022 Presentation Area delivered 27 sessions throughout the four exhibition days . These offered insight into innovative companies and project developments , interesting discussions and valuable networking opportunities .
“ It is hard to describe how we ’ re feeling after giving everything we had in the past four years to make this show possible . We are overwhelmed by the fantastic outcome and proud that EuroBLECH continues its critical role in bringing the global sheetmetalworking industry together ,” said Evelyn Warwick , Exhibition Director , EuroBLECH , on behalf of the organisers Mack-Brooks Exhibitions . “ This year ’ s edition was both special and hugely important for the whole sheet-metalworking industry ,” she continued .
International attendance
According to Mack-Brooks Exhibitions , a total of 62 % of exhibitors came from outside Germany to this year ’ s EuroBLECH . This represents a further increase in international attendance of 4 %. According to the preliminary results of the exhibition survey , this visitor trend continues throughout ; more than half of trade visitors ( 56 %) travelled to the event from outside Germany , making EuroBLECH a truly international exhibition .
Major visitor countries , next to Germany , included The Netherlands ; Poland ; Italy ; Sweden ; Turkey ; Austria ; Belgium ; Denmark and France .
“ Furthermore , 37 % of all visitors do not attend any other trade show , which is an increase of 10 % compared to the show in 2018 and underlines the importance of the event . Exhibitors appreciated the highly qualified and international audience with its high percentage of decision-makers ( 80 %),” commented the show organiser .
“ The visitors this year meant serious business . Almost every second person entering the gates to EuroBLECH 2022 came with the intention to invest . That ’ s an increase of 4 % compared to the previous edition ,” concluded Evelyn Warwick .
The majority of visitors came from the industry ( 72 %), followed by visitors from trade workshops and services . The most important sectors to which visitors belonged included engineering , steel and aluminium construction ; sheet metal & products ; the automotive industry and its suppliers ; iron and steel production and electrical engineering .
“ We ’ ve had a fantastic week at EuroBLECH with a record number of leads . The atmosphere was electric and it was clear to see that customers were ready and excited to be back at EuroBLECH ,” commented Matthew Fowles , Group Marketing Director , LVD Company NV ( a EuroBLECH exhibitor ).
Evelyn Warwick , Exhibition Director , EuroBLECH .
Top and above : Scenes from EuroBLECH 2022 .
A total of 62 % of exhibitors came from outside Germany to this year ’ s EuroBLECH