ISMR November 2021 | Page 17

In the halls at Blechexpo .
An eye on safety
The mood was upbeat as exhibitors and visitors were able to network face to face
‘ Methods of Steel Production ’, took place on 28 October 2021 , the third day of the trade fair . Organised by the Stahl-Kommunikation agency , participation was free of charge for show attendees .
“ In these times of climate protection , new energy- and climate-friendly ways of steel production are being researched worldwide or have already been successfully pursued . This not only protects the climate , but also increases the costs of steel production and ultimately material costs for steel users in the process chain . Various well-known company speakers discussed this complex topic together with Blechexpo visitors ,” said event organiser , P E Schall . The speakers included : -
Awards and forum
For the fifth time , “ blechnet ” and “ MM MaschinenMarkt ” presented the ‘ Blechexpo Award ’ innovation prizes at Blechexpo in Stuttgart , awarding prizes to the most innovative exhibits at the international trade fair for sheet metal working .
Exhibitors at Blechexpo Stuttgart 2021 are eligible to receive the “ Blechexpo Award ” for their innovations . Award winners were selected in the three categories below :
■ Stamping and forming technology .
■ Separation and connection technology .
Bettina Schall , managing director of trade fair promoter P . E . Schall GmbH , extended her thanks to all visitors and exhibitors for their active participation .
“ We all had to accept certain restrictions in light of the current [ COVID-19 ] situation . All of you contributed to ensuring that the stipulated general conditions were adhered to , and that a personal exchange of information was possible at the on-site trade fair . For this I thank all of you , as well as the initiators of world-class supplementary events including the ‘ Blechexpo Awards ’ and the ‘ Blechexpo Steel Convention ’,” she commented .
The show organiser kept to the guidelines for providing exhibitors and expert visitors with ‘ suitable conditions for optimised business exchanges ’ at Blechexpo / Schweisstec , conforming to the hygiene concept adopted by the Stuttgart Exhibition Centre . This concept has been put together in consultation with the relevant German authorities and implemented in accordance with the valid Corona Ordinance of the State of Baden-Württemberg – see / www . messe-stuttgart . de / en / visitors / news / hygiene-concept-safe-expo /
The 9th Schweisstec international trade fair for joining technology and 16th Blechexpo international trade fair for sheet metal working will take place in Stuttgart again from 7-10 October 2023 . n
■ Dr . Holger Braun , Head of CO 2
Strategy , ArcelorMittal Eisenhüttenstadt . Topic : ‘ Steel4Future - On the Way to Green Steel ’.
■ Dr . -Ing . Peter Juchmann , Operations Director , Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH ). Topic : ‘ SALCOS - Salzgitter Low CO 2 Steelmaking ’.
■ Dipl . -Kffr . Daniela Entzian , Gf Bundesvereinigung Deutscher Stahlrecycling- und Entsorgungsunternehmen e . V . Topic : ‘ Climate Protection is Made from Scrap ’.
“ Blechexpo ’ s exhibitor forum provided expert visitors with the opportunity of gathering information in a more intensive manner on the range of products and services offered by individual exhibiting companies , as well as their technological expertise and process expertise ,” commented P E Schall .
“ Research institutes also introduced their projects both in theory and in actual practice . Attendees could also network with speakers and further discuss these topics after the presentations ,” the show organiser told ISMR .
www . blechexpo-messe . de / en
www . schweisstec-messe . de / en
@ Blechexpo _ Messe
# Blechexpo2021
Blechexpo digital marketplaces can be accessed at www . blechexpo-messe . de / en / blechexpo-virtual / and www . schweisstec-messe . de / en / schweisstec-virtual
The 1st Blechexpo Steel Convention was held on 28 October 2021 .
Winners of the 2021 “ Blechexpo Award ” innovation prize .
ISMR September November 2021 | sheetmetalplus . com | 17