ISMR May 2024 | Page 47


Wedge Group Galvanizing Ltd provided its hot-dip galvanizing treatment to 121 tonnes of steel used to support an existing structure forming the main sea defence at Brighton Marina in the UK .
A sheet metal dragon sculpture galvanized by Wedge Group Galvanizing Ltd last year .
It is also one of the few metal finishes that is defined by a British Standard for reliability .
It is a uniformed and relatively simple process , meaning that consistent and predictable outcomes can be achieved every time . Because of this , it can often have short turnaround times and is able to meet strict deadlines .
Galvanized steel can be easily wiped down ( without impacting its properties or ability to provide rust-free protection ) so it is also one of the most hygienic steel finishes .
Sustainability in focus
More than ever before , customers are increasingly interested in the sustainability of the brands with which they work . Added to this are ever-evolving government environmental regulations and targets with which organisations must comply . It is vital that businesses work with partners who are aligned with their attitudes towards protecting our planet .
Galvanizing is the original green solution , both in its functionality and through the process itself . Due to its non-ferrous properties , any unused zinc can remain in the bath ( unchanged physically or chemically ), able to be utilised in the next project and therefore creating minimal waste . Galvanized steel can also be recycled along with scrap steel or stripped , re-galvanized and re-used again and again .
The galvanizing process itself is incredibly innovative , and so it is vital that we are

Galvanizing in focus

While galvanizing has been the finish of choice for hundreds of years , the process itself is constantly evolving with companies investing in the latest equipment and introducing new procedures in response to the everchanging world . This is especially true for harsh chemicals and substances .
While galvanizing is free from solvent ; paint ; resin ; silica ; mircoplastics ; pigment and VOC ( unlike other coatings , such as paint ), there are rules and regulations being introduced industry-wide to restrict and reduce how they are used .
An equine sculpture , made by SA Fabrications , emerges from the large molten zinc bath . Coating the steel completely , the process allows it to be protected from corrosion for up to 70 years .
ISMR May 2024 | ismr . net | 47