We report on the MACH 2022 exhibition in Birmingham , UK , from 4-8 April 2022 .
“ Digitalisation , sustainability , additive manufacturing , automation and productivity all came under the spotlight at MACH 2022 .”
MACH 2022 , which took place at the NEC in Birmingham ( UK ) from 4-8 April 2022 , against a backdrop of growing cost pressures on manufacturers , offered the largest display of new machinery and manufacturing technologies under one roof in the UK for four years . Co-located at MACH 2022 were subsidiary exhibitions Air Tech ; Fluid Power & Systems ; Drives & Controls ; Plant & Asset Management and the Smart Industry Expo .
“ This year ’ s show focused on the best of the manufacturing technologies sector - the development of the digital factory ; emergence of the disruptive technologies behind Additive Manufacturing ; new automation solutions and connected manufacturing processes as well as power-by-the-hour and the cost efficiency solutions that will dramatically improve production processes and help shape the industry over the next decade ,” the organiser told ISMR .
“ Resolving the current challenges to the industry – soaring energy prices , rising labour costs , skills shortages , the escalating price of raw materials , supply chain disruption and the need to effectively tackle the green agenda by seizing the opportunities posed by decarbonisation also received special focus ,” it continued .
Launched for the first time at MACH 2022 , the Engineering Supply Chain Show focused on the capabilities of the UK manufacturing supply chain and its offerings to buyers seeking specific solutions to their engineering challenges .
An eye on productivity
Aside from highlighting some of the most important issues facing the manufacturing industry , the exhibition acted as a catalyst for manufacturing investment . The Manufacturing Technologies Association ( MTA ), which organises the event , implored UK manufacturers to take advantage of the current fiscal government incentive schemes to implement investment strategies that will be crucial to their ability to increase production and insulate themselves from the worst inflationary pressures .
James Selka , CEO , MTA , said : “ Investment in transformative manufacturing technologies and improved skills have consistently delivered
Above : On the show floor at MACH 2022 . Left : James Selka , CEO , MTA . higher productivity levels down the years and will continue to do so . With inflation rising for the first time in decades , UK manufacturers need to implement productivity improvements now to avoid having margins squeezed to an unsustainable degree . Now is the time to be brave and make the investments that will reap greater rewards further down the line .”
Transactions worth hundreds of millions of pounds are regularly concluded at the MACH exhibition , making it a positive force for investment . An audience of over 25,000 was expected to visit the show across its five days to view the hundreds of exhibitors .
Many buyers were expected to be incentivised by UK Government stimulus packages such as Super Deduction and the
36 | sheetmetalplus . com | ISMR May 2022