ISMR March 2024 | Page 7


Driving digital transformation

AFM Cluster has been appointed to lead the Accelerate SME Office ( OAP ) in Gipuzkoa , Spain , with the aim of promoting digital transformation of businesses in the region . The OAP , supported by a strategic collaboration with Red . es , primarily aims to provide support to SMEs , freelancers , entrepreneurs and startups in their digitisation process , facilitating their adaptation to the digital environment .
“ The key actions of the OAP focus on awareness , training and advice , offering a free service of workshops and webinars to keep businesses informed about the opportunities offered by digitisation . It also provides guidance on available grants , service providers and personalised technological diagnostics for SMEs , aligning with AFM Cluster ’ s strategic goal to digitise 1,000 industrial workshops ,”
explained the AFM Cluster .
This office , present in both the virtual and physical realms at the AFM Cluster headquarters , is part of a national Spanish network supporting companies throughout the country in their digitisation process . OAP services are designed to adapt to the specific needs of each entity , offering personalised attention to companies at various levels of digital maturity .
The Accelerate SME Offices launched throughout Spain by Red . es , a public entity attached to the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation through the State Secretariat for Digitisation and Artificial Intelligence , have a budget of € 18,450,000 for the second call in 2022 . Red . es will contribute up to 80 % of the eligible budget , with the beneficiary entities covering the rest . The actions are financed under the Smart Growth Operational Programme , European Regional Development Fund ( ERDF ) for the 2021-2027 programming period .
AFM Cluster represents the interests of advanced and digital manufacturing in Spain . Made up of six industrial associations , it brings together more than 700 companies which employ over 16,500 people with a turnover of more than three billion euros . n
:// acelerapyme . afm . es /

Spring into 2024 at STOM-TOOL in Poland

The Industrial Spring cycle , from 19-22 March 2024 in Kielce ( Poland ), will showcase the latest industrial products and solutions with highly specialised exhibitions such as STOM-TOOL . The previous industrial exhibition cluster took up all seven halls so a further temporary exhibition hall has been added for the 2024 event . Meet the ISMR team at STOM TOOL ! ISMR ’ s March issue will be distributed at the exhibition .
The Industrial Spring cycle showcases the latest products and solutions with highly specialised exhibitions such as STOM-TOOL ; STOMBLECH & CUTTING ; STOM LASER ; STOMROBOTICS ; STOMFIX ; WELDING ; WIRTOPROCESSES ; EXPO-SURFACE ; KIELCE FLUIDPOWER ; TeiA Electronics and Automation Expo ; CONTROLSTOM and 3D PRINTING DAYS .
Last year ’ s STOM events attracted 600 exhibitors and co-exhibitors from 21 countries ( 206 from outside Poland ).
“ STOM ’ s 2023 series and accompanying events hosted 19,000 business visitors over four days . The comprehensive exhibition covers several industry sectors which is particularly interesting for visitors . Industrial Spring has mainly hosted representatives of manufacturing companies ( 72 %) in sectors such as machinery ( 45 %), automotive ( 24 %) and armaments ( 10 %),” confirmed the show organiser , Targi Kielce S . A .
Visitors came from 24 countries across Europe , Asia and North America . The trade show organiser confirmed that 29 % of visitors were new , and not returning , arrivals .
The STOM-TOOL Exhibition of Metal Processing Technologies , part of the Industrial Spring cycle , includes presentations of modern CNC machines , machine tools and milling machines , complemented with displays of sheet metal forming and processing equipment ; metal cutting , laser and laser technology equipment ; welding and industrial robots plus 3D printers . At this year ’ s Industrial Spring , there will also be seminars on metrology , lasers and technologies for Industry 4.0 .
Visitors can register for a free ticket for STOM-TOOL at : www . targikielce . pl / en / user-account n
. targikielce . pl /
ISMR March 2024 | ismr . net | 7