ISMR March 2024 | Page 68


Digital campus for welding technology

Welding specialist , EWM , is offering a new digital expert platform for welding .
“ Practical videos categorised by material , workpiece and welding parameters and much more : the EWM eXperience comes with lots of exclusive content for professionals . Members receive free practical tips for day-to-day welding and learn everything they need to know about the latest industry trends . We believe that it is the first platform of its kind in the welding industry ,” said the welding specialist .
With its own microsite , the new platform completes EWM ’ s online range with exclusive content , including practical videos with solutions for various materials , plate thicknesses and welding positions . EWM eXperience is all about providing specific , detailed instructions and explanations that provide professional welders with added value in their day-to-day business .
The platform also offers events such as webinars and expert posts that those interested can access to find out about trending themes in welding . The “ living ” platform will also continue to grow : EWM eXperience will be constantly updated with additional expert knowledge and expanded to include new materials and solutions . All content is free to access via a free user account .
“ Whether it ’ s practical tips for daily
welding or exciting insights and forecasts for the future of the industry , members of EWM eXperience can take advantage of the expertise of EWM experts in all kinds of areas ,” said EWM .
“ We want welding with EWM to be an experience . That ’ s why we are always looking to create extra added value for professionals within the industry ,” concluded Boyan Ivanov , Head of Technical Sales , EWM .
In addition to smart machines , EWM develops and produces all necessary
components , such as welding torches , for manual and automated applications . Many EWM welding processes are patented and save energy , materials and time . EWM also offers service and consultancy .
The family company was founded in 1957 in Mündersbach , Germany . Today , it has over 400 sales and service support outlets across the globe , making it one of the world ’ s leading producers of welding technology . n
www . ewm-group . com / en /

Energy monitoring tool for sustainability

The new energy monitoring tool , toii ®. Energy , from thyssenkrupp Materials IoT ( a spinoff from thyssenkrupp Materials Services ) supports manufacturing companies in optimising their energy efficiency and achieving sustainability goals . The energy transition presents companies with major challenges and renewable energies and energy-efficient work have become a significant economic factor .
With the new energy monitoring tool , the software developer and digitalisation service provider , thyssenkrupp Materials IoT , is expanding the range of services of the Industrial Internet of Things ( IIoT ) and Manufacturing Execution System ( MES ) platform toii ®.
“ The integrated tool forms the basis for successful energy management and creates transparency in manufacturing companies regarding the power consumption of machines and systems . It was previously unclear how much electricity the machines use and when load peaks will be reached . Now this data is visible and can even be assigned to individual orders and products . In this way , toii ®. Energy supports companies in achieving their sustainability goals and permanently reducing operational energy costs ,” said thyssenkrupp Materials IoT .
“ Through our digitalisation expertise , we create transparency on the shop floor , make energy consumption visible across locations and identify savings potential ; a crucial prerequisite for effective energy management ,” added Sebastian Lang , CEO , thyssenkrupp Materials IoT .
Measurement devices with an Ethernet connection can be connected to machines and systems via an interface and read out by toii ®. Relevant data on energy consumption is continuously recorded and evaluated . The collected data is then interpreted and visualised in dashboards on the web-based user interface of toii ®. Energy .
There , users can view the power consumption of all machines on the shop floor and flexibly divide them into machine groups according to their own needs . By integrating production planning from the ERP system , electricity consumption in production can also be retroactively assigned to individual customer orders .
An alarm function warns when power consumption exceeds a previously defined threshold . This means that appropriate measures can be taken immediately . n
68 | ismr . net | ISMR March 2024