Key themes
“ Sustainability and energy efficiency are even more in focus this year . Daily ecoMetal trails touring the exhibition halls are aimed at convincing visitors of our exhibitors ’ novel , clean production methods ,” the show organiser , Messe Düsseldorf , explained .
In addition to the classic themes such as machinery and equipment for wire , cable and tube production , processing and end products , wire and Tube places a strong focus on topics such as stainless steel , hydrogen , plastic tubes , cutting and slitting technologies and e-mobility . Fastening and joining technologies , spring manufacturing technology and glass fibre technologies continue to move to the fore . The main industries here are the chemical , oil and gas sectors , the automotive industry , the construction sector and the entire telecommunications sector .
Tube 2024
■ Machinery and equipment for manufacturing pipes and tubes .
■ Finishing and processing of pipes and tubes as well as raw materials .
■ Plastic pipes , tube products and accessories .
■ Used machinery .
■ Tools for process engineering ; auxiliaries ; sensor technology ; control ; measurement and testing technology .
■ Tube and pipe , pipeline , OCTG technology and profile trading .
A packed programme
The premiere for the wire & Tube BME Einkäufertag / Buyers ’ Day on the Forum stage of Hall 1 A47 will be held on Monday 15 April 2024 . This , confirmed the organiser , includes “ everything revolving around Due Diligence Supply Chain Acts , sourcing and logistics transparently compiled and presented by the Federal Association of Materials Management , Purchasing and Logistics ”.
From Monday , the SawExpo Forum ( organised by SawExpo GmbH ) will also present news and trends from the multifaceted field of sawing and milling technologies via daily snapshots in Hall 6 ( G07 ).
On Tuesday , the wire & Tube Convention 2024 will follow with entirely different exhibitor insights for the Green Steel theme and its implementation in their own manufacturing halls . The organiser will be “ Agentur Stahl- Kommunikation ”.
Publishing house , Vulkan Verlag , will also organise a varied line-up of different focal topics on the Forum stage of Hall 1 A47 and conference rooms 14 / 15 . This includes the Destination Green Summit by ecoMetals , the H2 Summit by ecoMetals and the Green Jobs Forum .
In the Plastic Tubes & Pipes Special Area ( Hall 1 , C35 ) exhibitors will be showcasing the complete supply chain for plastic tubes and pipes and provide demonstrations of possible processing and finishing methods for plastic tubes and pipes .
“ At the BDS Forum ( Hall 1 , A47 ) the Federal Association of the German Steel Trade ( Bundesverband Deutscher Stahlhandel ) will provide information on global trends in the steel trade . Here , experts will analyse the impact of current economic policy trends in the steel trade . Steel traders will also discuss sourcing and sales markets , economic framework conditions and the mega themes of digitalisation and AI ,” added the show organiser .
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