“ There are numerous applications for the hydroforming process in various industry sectors to manufacture lighter , stronger , as well as rigid , one-piece structures .”
Hydroforming ’ s broad design freedom ; high material utilisation ; reduced part weight ; high mechanical strength and improved dimensional accuracy contribute to its popularity as a manufacturing method across a range of industry sectors .
Hydroforming is a metal fabrication and forming process which enables the shaping of metals such as steel ; stainless steel ; copper ; aluminium and brass . This process is a specialised type of die moulding that utilises highly pressurised fluid to form metal . It is one of the most advanced forming techniques used in the automotive industry .
This specialised deep-draw process uses high-pressure rubber to shape and form metal workpieces . In sheet hydroforming , a metal sheet is placed over a die before highly pressurised water forces it down and makes it conform to the shape of the mould . In tube hydroforming , a pre-existing tube is set between two dies and water pushes the interior of the tube to expand and conform to the new shape . Both processes allow for the seamless forming of new shapes and parts in common metal alloys without welds .
Hydroforming is a strong choice for developing complex , irregularly shaped parts or products . The final shape can be achieved in fewer steps and with less manual correction . Heavy gauge and difficult materials can be formed into complex shapes with close tolerances .
Internal high-pressure forming ( hydroforming ) is , in fact , a methodology for the manufacture of hollow metal components , a process that has grown enormously since the mid-1990s . There are numerous applications for the process in various industry sectors to manufacture lighter , stronger , as well as rigid , one-piece structures .
Global automotive market for hydroformed parts
Image : Shutterstock . com .
The global automotive hydroformed parts market is estimated , by analyst Coherent Market Insights , at US $ 12 billion in 2023 , exhibiting a compound annual growth rate ( CAGR ) of 7.4 % from 2023 to 2030 .
“ The rise in stringent government rules regarding emissions , the rise in demand for lightweight vehicles and an increase in vehicle
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