ISMR March 2023 | Page 40


Sheet-metal parts manufactured by Arbèl .
The manual grinding of sheet-metal parts is now a thing of the past
“ The manual grinding of sheet-metal parts is now a thing of the past . Despite having three finishing / deburring machines already , there was still a desire for a better finish on the products that we make ,” he explained .
“ Since the SER1200 XL Multibrush machine can create both a directionless and line graining finish , we can now be extremely
flexible with just one machine so this advanced all-rounder fits our needs perfectly . I can save the work of two employees with it , freeing up those same people to achieve the growth that we need . The extensive automation makes operating the machine relatively easy . With the Multibrush , we can continue to guarantee perfect ‘ Arbèl finishing ’ and our craftsmen can focus again on doing other quality work .” n
:// arbelbv . nl / https :// qfin-deburring . com /
Above : The SER 1200 XL Multibrush was introduced at EuroBLECH 2022 in Hanover .

All-in-one machine

Around 20 motors control five stations in the SER1200 XL Multibrush . This ensures an automated process for every possible finish . Features include :
■ Automated process for every possible finish .
■ ERP production sheet can be scanned for automatic set-up .
■ Highly reproducible process , eliminating operator faults .
■ Low power consumption , energy saver .
■ Savings on manual labour , extra deburring machines and operators .
“ The new machine can now process parts with a maximum width of 1200mm and is fully automated . It has a smarter structure , uses much less energy and can also be connected to an ERP package or scanner , so that the machine is no longer dependent on settings by the machine operators ,” added Q-Fin .
The SER1200 is available to view , and for part finishing demonstrations , at the Q-Fin demonstration centre in Bergeijk , The Netherlands .
Q-Fin ’ s headquarters in Bergeijk , The Netherlands .
Two images and some quotes in this article were provided , with permission , by Link Magazine .
40 | ismr . net | ISMR March 2023