will deliver “ the commercially attractive and safe technology for the sustainable , high-volume storage of ammonia for use as a fuel on-board ships through five desktop study case ships and a scale-up study .” The vision for the project is to realise a 50 % reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 , while showcasing the entire NH3 supply chain to increase confidence in the technology ’ s use .
Marine equipment industry
Ship- and boat building both also involve the manufacture of related marine equipment including sails , engines , electronics and other fittings . The global marine equipment industry is a key supplier and input sector to shipbuilding production processes . Marine equipment commonly refers to machinery , parts and raw materials used for the building , conversion and maintenance of ships . Some service subsectors , such as engineering , design and consultancy , are also included in the marine equipment sector .
Shipbuilding relies heavily on supplied inputs of other industries , with approximatively 70-80 % of the final output value of ship production being generated through the upstream supply chain ( OECD , 2019a ). While in the past , shipyards were often responsible for the production of most main equipment , nowadays sourcing covers almost every phase performed in shipbuilding resulting in the development of so-called “ assembly shipyards ” ( Mello et al ., 2015 ).
Consequently , the shipbuilding supply chain can be subdivided into several segments : shipyards and boatyards , component suppliers and material suppliers ( such as steel and metals ) and subcontractors providing different types of services . Marine equipment manufacturers are a key part of maritime component suppliers .
A report by the OECD in January 2023 , entitled ‘ OECD Analysis
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Austal ’ s new artificial intelligence toolset ‘ DeepMorpher ’ enhances the rapid digital prototyping of ship hulls .
The EU RESURGAM project will introduce high-productivity friction stir welding of steel to European shipyards of the Marine Equipment Industry and its Challenges ’, was a comprehensive assessment of the global industry . It provided an overview of both recent market developments and ongoing trends , as well as factors impacting marine equipment manufacturers ( notably government strategies , intellectual property rights , counterfeiting , pirated goods and technology transfer practices ).
“ In terms of market share , the European Union is the world ’ s largest supplier of marine equipment ( including services ) followed by Korea , China and Japan . In the marine diesel engine market , which is the largest trade segment in marine equipment , the EU posted net exports of US $ 12.9 billion between 2019 and 2020 , making it the largest exporter . The EU also leads the global export market for marine turbines , propellers and blades ,” said the report .
“ Japan is the dominant exporter in the outboard motor market , with exports reaching US $ 37.2 billion in the past two years , which is about 1.9 times the total export value of the EU , the United States and China during the same period . Japan is also a leading exporter in the marine reciprocating engine market ,” added the report .
The marine equipment industry , as the main upstream sector for the shipbuilding industry , is an important source of employment in many countries . According to the OECD report , research by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy ( BMWi ) shows that one job in the shipbuilding industry leads to the generation in total of ten jobs .
“ While the paradigm of the shipbuilding industry is rapidly shifting to eco-friendly ships in line with the International Maritime Organisation ’ s ( IMO ) goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions , the digitalisation of the shipbuilding and marine equipment industries is expected to accelerate the ‘ smartisation ’ of ships and autonomous ship operation . This ‘ twin transition ’ of decarbonisation and digitalisation has the potential to drastically impact marine equipment technologies and change maritime business models and the maritime transport industry ,” added the report .
The green revolution
Ship owners , operators and builders are increasingly using ‘ green ’ technologies to comply with environmental rules and regulations . Parts of the IMO Green House Gas ( GHG ) short-term measures to reduce
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