From the right : Jörgen Häggman , CEO , HSJ-Products ; Sören Häggman and Fredrik Häggman .
manufacturers is on productivity through process optimisation . Companies will have to focus on controlling and reducing waste , minimizing bottlenecks and repetitive tasks , errors or delays , and increasing their flexibility ( being ready to operate 24 / 7 ). All this comes without sacrificing quality , productivity or profit margins ,” commented Camillo Brena , Marketing Director , Eagle Lasers , in an interview with ISMR last year .
Wire products at HSJ .
Sebastian Forsbacka of HSJ-Products agrees with this assessment .
“ The greatest challenge we face today is finding educated , multilingual staff . Our area has one of the lowest unemployment rates in Finland ( 1.8 % ref . “ Elykeskus ” 1.3.2023 ). Companies are investing in new technology such as Biogas , battery and paper / pulp . The chemical industry is booming at the moment . The Finnish government is also investing heavily in new infrastructure , seaports etc . so the demand for laser-cut parts is rapidly growing . We must respond to these requirements and new technology investments help us to meet these challenges ,” he concluded . n
www . hsj-products . fi / en /
www . eaglelasers . com
Camillo Brena , Marketing Director , Eagle Lasers .
About Eagle Lasers
Eagle Lasers is a well-known , highpower laser cutting machine specialist . In 2021 , it was awarded the Forbes Diamond for the second year , an award handed over to Poland ’ s most dynamically developing companies . It was one of the first to launch 6kW , 8kW , 10kW , 12kW and 20kW lasercutting systems and , in mid-2021 , premiered its 30kW fibre laser cutter . Eagle ’ s iNspire machines deliver 6G acceleration , cutting speeds of up to 150m / minute and 350m / minute positioning speed .
Founded in Poland in 2006 , the company ’ s remit was “ to create the concept for an ideal fibre laser-cutting system .” For the last ten years , it has dedicated its research to developing efficient solutions through highpowered laser cutting systems . These are designed , programmed and manufactured in accordance with Industry 4.0 via EAGLE-developed software and automation systems .
Watch the video of the iNspire 30kW fibre laser-cutting system processing 10mm aluminium on https :// youtu . be / XA4O9U _ LcqU
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