Above and right : Enclosure examples .
brackets and other smaller components needed in a product like a custom server rack enclosure .
Laser cutting , turret punches and combination machines also play an important role in blanking , louver forming , notching assembly tabs and more . The key here is flexibility — handling both large and small parts in the best manner possible .
When the various panels and other parts are complete , it is time for the aesthetics . It ’ s common to use a separate vendor for finishing operations , but a well-equipped manufacturer will have in-house powder coating and painting capabilities . Achieving this level of vertical integration helps to reduce project costs . There is also no risk that parts will be damaged when shipped across town . Lead times are shorter and flexibility is increased .
Proximity to final destination
Speaking of shipping across town , how about shipping across the country or even across the ocean ? This becomes increasingly complex as parts and assemblies get larger .
It is a good idea to partner with a manufacturer who is relatively close to your facility . It should also have experience with packaging and shipping large products or you risk more opportunities for product damage during shipping .
With your manufacturer closer to the part ’ s final destination ( usually the same hemisphere ), you can help to mitigate the supply chain impact that world events and geopolitical tensions have on your production . These benefits ( alongside lower transport
costs ) make choosing a manufacturing partner in your own neighbourhood a ‘ no-brainer .’
Product design and engineering services
A supplier ’ s equipment and capabilities are crucial to successful manufacturing , but that ’ s not all you need to watch .
You will have numerous design guidelines to consider with any product or project . It is vital to find a manufacturing partner willing to work with you on product design . A good one will share their years of experience and make sure you end up with a high-quality product that meets your needs on time and at a fair price . That ’ s what it ’ s all about , no matter how large the parts . n
About Tenere
Tenere , Inc . is a North American manufacturer serving innovative customers in dynamic markets that connect and power the world through technology .
Retail kiosks made of large fabricated sheet metal panels ( Shutterstock . com ).
www . tenere . com
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