From idea to innovation
The idea for phs-ultraform ( press hardening steel ) was born in 2002 . In 2003 , the voestalpine research and development team started the first series of tests . The breakthrough came five years later , and the first major orders from the automotive industry were received in 2008 .
In 2016 , voestalpine became the first manufacturer in the world to set up a plant for a “ direct ” production process to supplement the previous “ indirect ” process . This made it possible to manufacture in just one process step , which is ideal for simpler components in smaller quantities .
Twenty years ago , the customer requirement was to develop a high-strength , lightweight steel with zinc coating for corrosion protection . The process requires a temperature of 900 ° C , but since zinc evaporates at that temperature the company faced a seemingly insolvable problem . Voestalpine ultimately achieved a major innovative breakthrough with phs-ultraform .
Phs-ultraform has since developed into a diverse product range for the lightweight construction sector . Premium manufacturers use phs-ultraform for side and cross members , A and B pillars , sills and bulkheads . The technology also helps to reduce fuel consumption while significantly improving occupant safety . As lightweights , phsultraform components also play an essential role in electromobility — not only in the body , but also for battery protection .
Material innovations
Innovation is a key focus for the Group . In 1949 , the LD process was the “ invention of the century ” that instantly changed the global steel industry . And , in recent decades , the international company has set new standards in automotive lightweight construction .
“ When the idea of developing an ultralight , corrosion-resistant , yet high-strength ‘ super steel ’ was first raised almost 20 years ago , it was considered to have little chance of success — yet not long ago , the 300 millionth ‘ phs ’ component rolled off the production line . And most recently , this invention that is now standard in modern car bodies was approved for series production by the world ’ s largest car manufacturer ,” said voestalpine .
For years , the automotive industry has been demanding materials that are stronger , lighter , more corrosion-resistant and economical to produce .
“ The only way to maintain a technological and competitive edge in this environment is to constantly push the limits of what is possible ,” explained Herbert Eibensteiner , CEO , voestalpine AG .
Voestalpine succeeded in doing this two decades ago with steel innovations such as “ phs-ultraform ”, a hot-dip galvanized , ultrahigh-strength steel for lightweight body parts that still holds a worldwide patent . Today , phsultraform is a standard material in car bodies . “ Groundbreaking developments like phsultraform have made a significant contribution in recent years . Voestalpine now generates more than 30 per cent of its sales in the automotive sector ,” says Eibensteiner .
Above : Lightweight phs material development . Below : Phs is used in cars ( 1 = tunnels / longitudinal members , 2 = struts , 3 = B-pillars .).
Research and development plays a central role in this context . To date , around EUR 30 million has been invested in the development of phs-ultraform alone . In the current business year , the Group has budgeted EUR 185 million for R & D .
Depending upon the type and manufacturer of the car , voestalpine steel can make up ‘ ten per cent ( standard car ) to 30 per cent ( premium car ) of the car body ’, the materials specialist explained . It supplies all well-known European automobile manufacturers and their suppliers . The recent approval from the world ’ s largest car manufacturer for series production marked another milestone in the company ’ s success story . The voestalpine Group not only supplies the basic material — special steel strip from the Steel Division in Linz — the Metal Forming Division ’ s automotive companies process it into finished automotive parts .
“ With phs plants in China , the USA and Germany , we are excellently positioned in the most important markets . Thanks to the continuous expansion of technology and excellent order levels , the 15th plant worldwide will soon go into operation in China ,” commented Eibensteiner .
Revenues and earnings
“ Voestalpine ’ s business year 2020 / 21 was defined by an economic downturn of historic proportions . While almost all customer segments saw demand melt away in the first business quarter , starting in the second quarter demand for our products rose again , despite renewed lockdowns in many markets , and kept rising throughout the business year ,” voestalpine told ISMR .
“ The automotive industry , in particular , showed surprising strength once it emerged from its COVID-19-induced low , triggering substantial growth in demand for high-quality steel products . Aerospace and oil & natural gas were hit particularly hard by the crisis .
Voestalpine now generates more than 30 per cent of its sales in the automotive sector
ISMR July / August 2021 | sheetmetalplus . com | 25