ISMR February 2024 | Page 57

FOCUS ON STAMPING hydraulic presses and automatic lines for turnkey production processes . The company provides automatic or semi-automatic lines for the production of pots , lids , gas bottles , water heaters , domestic appliances , car parts etc . It has long experience in the construction of strain-hardening machines .

In 2023 , OMERA announced the acquisition of the brand , as well as the movable and intangible assets , of GIGANT . This historic Italian company specialises in the design and production of hydraulic presses for cold and hot forging .
Quintus Technologies specialises in the design , manufacture , installation and support of high- pressure systems for sheet metal forming and densification of advanced materials and critical industrial components . It has become a leading producer of fluid cell presses for sheet hydroforming and similar sheet metal forming applications . Its Flexform press process requires only one rigid tool half ; the other tool half is a flexible rubber diaphragm under uniform hydrostatic pressure . This design approach generates significant tool cost savings and eliminates several forming operations , intermediate heat treatments and operator dependencies .
The manufacturer has also developed High- Pressure Warm Forming ( HPWF ) that combines high pressure with a moderately elevated temperature for more rapid and efficient fabrication of titanium parts . Headquartered in Västerås , Sweden , it is now a wholly owned subsidiary of Kobe Steel .
QS Group SpA has over 50 years of experience and specialises in designing and manufacturing automated machines ; dies ; hydraulic presses and special equipment for the production and assembly of the structural parts of washing machines ; dryers ; refrigerators ; dishwashers ; ovens and water heaters .
Sangiacomo Presse in Italy produces C-frame presses ( flywheel and back geared ) as well as straightside mechanical eccentric presses ( from 50 to 500 tons ). Turnkey stamping lines can also be supplied .
Schuler Pressen GmbH offers customised technology in forming , from networked presses to press shop planning . Presses from the Schuler Group mint coins for more than 180 countries . Products also include automation ; dies ; process expertise ; digital solutions and service for the entire metalworking industry . Its Digital Suite brings together solutions for networking forming technology and is continuously being developed . It also offers systems for the mass production of metal bipolar plates for fuel cells . Schuler ’ s MSD series servo presses feature a monoblock press frame . By linking to real production data , Schuler ’ s “ Energy Monitor ” enables savings of around ten per cent ( it told ISMR ).
Schuler ’ s single presses and multi-stage press lines are of modular design ( the “ TRITON ” concept ), “ The most powerful line , ServoMAX , can produce many parts cost-effectively . For those who want to take advantage of all the benefits of servo technology but do not require maximum output , we now offer the ServoNEXT press line . The MechNEXT is an additional mechanical press line without servo drive ,” explained Schuler .
Laser-blanking lines cut the blanks which the press lines then form into body and structural parts . In addition to its lines with two and three laser cutting heads , Schuler has now added a more cost-effective line to its product portfolio which operates with one cutting head . All laser blanking lines allow die-free blanking .
A new process for hot stamping aluminium is now being used on hydraulic presses from Schuler in which the light metal is heated , formed and simultaneously cooled within a very short time . The result is high-strength components with low weight .
Founded in 1962 , Taiwanese press specialist Shieh Yih Machinery Co ., Ltd . ( SEYI ) manufactures mechanical presses ranging in size from 25 to 2400 tons , and servo presses from 80 to 2000 tons . In 2022 , it celebrated its 60th anniversary . SEYI products have been sold to customers in over 40 countries and received various quality awards from around the world . By controlling press movement and accuracy in its servo presses , SEYI Europe has positioned itself for the fine blanking parts market .
In recent years , SEYI has integrated IoT technology to develop smart stamping press solutions . Designed to meet Industry-4.0 intelligent machinery requirements , the “ SEYI Intelligent Manufacturing Solution ( SIMS )” integrates press , production lines and factory management systems to achieve different layers of smart manufacturing , smart production and smart management applications .
SEYI also provides marketing services through various digital technologies such as the introduction of a “ Virtual Showroom ” to showcase the smart stamping production line through online platforms and product details through 3D modelling . By introducing Service- 2.0 , the company is leveraging digital tools to dispatch work and provide remote connectivity for timely maintenance and service , effectively improving operational efficiency and service quality .
Sigma Presse Srl designs and manufactures custom-made hydraulic presses , with tonnages of up to 50,000kN ( 5,000 tons ), and design based on specific customer needs . It also makes electric screw presses and has designed a new line of Energy Save servohydraulic presses .
Stampitalia Srl specialises in the design and manufacture of dies for blanking and bending metal sheet . Blanking and bending progressive dies , in carbide and special steels with surface coatings if required , are provided .
South Korean press specialist , SIMPAC , has over 40 years of experience in metalworking press production . Its wide product range includes mechanical and hydraulic presses , servo presses , tandem lines and automation solutions . Its large servo press generation , the SVT4 Series , has available press capacities of 150-3,375 tons and covers a wide range of parts .
VAPTECH ’ s metalforming solutions include complete press production lines ( mechanical , hydraulic and eccentric presses ) and press refurbishment .
Italian press specialist , ZANI SpA , has spent over fifty years delivering over 5000 presses for cold metalforming to five continents . It has three press types in its arsenal – the Power Master eccentric press , the Motion Master ( double knucklejoint press ) and the Servo Master ( eccentric or knuckle joint servo-driven press ). Zani provides a wide range of presses with rated power starting from 1000kN to 32000kN and bolsters of up to seven metres . n
Schuler ’ s multi-stage press lines ( ServoMAX , ServoNEXT and MechNEXT ) can be supplied with and without servo drive .
ISMR February 2024 | ismr . net | 57