ISMR February 2024 | Page 30


Prima Power eP Genius with robotic arm .


Prima Power highlights some of the evolving requirements and emerging patterns unfolding in the sheet metal bending industry .

“ What ’ s next for sheet metal bending ? Prima Power outlines how bending has evolved and which new developments should be expected in the future ...”
Prima Power ’ s eP 1030 press brake at Lojer Oy in Finland .

In recent years , the manufacturing industry has undergone significant transformation , characterised by increasing customisation and shorter product lifespans . This shift has led to a reduction in production quantities / batches and delivery times as well as a rise in quality standards that must be met from the outset . The shortage of skilled labour has become a global phenomenon , necessitating a revision of production methods .

Companies are also under pressure to reduce material and energy consumption , minimize waste and provide additional services to remain competitive , as production has become more complex and integrated . In the sheet metal processing sector , in particular , there is a growing demand for finished
Roberto De Rossi , Prima Power Senior Manager , Business Development & Robotics , and Luca Spadina , Product Manager Bending , Prima Power .
products that involve cutting ; bending ; welding ; painting and other finishes , along with a need for product engineering .
These changes have also impacted the sheet metal bending industry , along with new customer needs and technologies . Which challenges therefore lie ahead , and how can manufacturers in the sheet metal bending sector prepare for them ?
Changing customer needs
Some of the main requirements expressed by customers today are centred around quality , flexibility and production speed . Geometric precision and aesthetic quality are key to stand out in today ’ s competitive scenario , enabling higher complexity of final products and boosting productivity by reducing the number of production steps .
Customisation is another major requirement of customers in this industry . Companies with bending machines that can produce components with different shapes , sizes and features ( such as holes and cut-outs ) with no need for redesign and set-up time , can meet a wider range of customer needs . Smaller
30 | ismr . net | ISMR February 2024