ISMR February 2022 | Page 33


About Grillo-Werke AG

Grillo-Werke AG , with its headquarters in Weseler Straße in Duisberg , is divided into four business divisions : Chemicals , Metal , RHEINZINK and Zinc Oxide .
The Chemicals Division ’ s production sites are in Buschstraße in Duisburg and in Frankfurt-Höchst Industrial Park . The Metal Division also produces in Buschstraße , with further production facilities in Goslar and Angleur ( Belgium ).
RHEINZINK GmbH & Co . KG has expanded production at its headquarters in Datteln and in Neulise ( France ). Grillo Zinkoxid GmbH combines production and administration at its headquarters in Goslar .
Two take-up reels are features of the space-saving design of the line .
It can produce up to ten strips with widths of between 20 and 700mm
Compact and flexible
So what makes the system so compact ? On the one hand , there is the lack of extras that Grillo does not need . The slitting line has no automatic coil loading device , no mechanical surface inspection and no looping pit . Secondly , the size of the system depends upon the maximum coil diameter . The system accepts coils of up to 750mm in diameter . The maximum width of the coils ( 730mm ) also limits the size of the system .
Two decoilers contribute to the compactness of the lines . In a line with only one take-up reel , without further design measures the strips would run parallel without spacing after cutting ; rubbing against each other and deforming . A short gap between the individual strips is therefore required for process-safe operation .
“ You could space out the strips a bit , but that would make the installation longer . We therefore implemented a solution with two take-up reels . With adjacent strips , one runs onto the upper decoiler and the other onto the lower decoiler ,” commented Burghardt + Schmidt .
As regards cooperation in project planning and commissioning , Dr . Staubwasser explained : “ Burghardt + Schmidt was given the specification that the system , including the safety fence , must be a maximum of 6 x 7m in size . It should be flexible for small batch sizes and cut to an accuracy of about one thousandth of a millimetre .”
Moving into production
Burghardt + Schmidt was able to build and commission the required slitting machine for Grillo-Werke AG within the agreed time , specification and cost framework . The line now produces thin strip with material thicknesses of between 0.1 to 2mm at a speed of up to 50m / minute . It can produce up to ten strips with widths of between 20 and 700mm .
“ The new precision slitting machine proves its cutting quality . Even with a high number of strips , the cut burr is minimal and the winding pattern stays true as the coil diameter increases . With this new slitting line , Grillo- Werke is ideally equipped for the future ,” Burghardt + Schmidt told ISMR . n
CONTACT For further details on Grillo-Werke , see :
https :// grillo . de
To contact Burghardt + Schmidt , access :
https :// b-s-germany . de / en /
The slitting shear boasts a dimensional accuracy in the thousandth of a millimetre range .
ISMR February 2022 | sheetmetalplus . com | 33