ISMR December 2024/January 2025 | Page 38



TRUMPF ’ s TruLaser Center 7030 .

How can sheet metal machinery learn to ‘ see ’ using artificial intelligence ( AI )? We track the AI computer vision journey of sheet metal specialist , TRUMPF .

Fibre laser cutting on the TruLaser Center 7030 .
“ The TRUMPF computer vision team is teaching artificial intelligence ( AI ) to classify data correctly . This includes categorising 100,000 images by hand .”

TRUMPF is a high-tech company , based at Ditzingen ( Germany ), offering manufacturing solutions in machine tools and laser technology . It drives digital connectivity in manufacturing through consultancy , platform products and software . It is one of the technology and market leaders in versatile machine tools for sheet metal processing and industrial lasers .

The company is continuing to expand its activities in artificial intelligence ( AI ), with its vision to become “ the leading user and leading provider of AI solutions in our industry in five years ’ time .” TRUMPF has been strengthening and coordinating its AI activities with a new competence centre to make internal processes more efficient , with the help of AI . The sheetmetal specialist recognises AI ’ s potential for increasing productivity in , for example , software development and administrative areas . It also wants to bring more AI innovations to market for its customers in the machine tool , laser technology and electronics sectors .
TRUMPF already offers its customers solutions that work with AI . In machine tools , for example , its AI solutions support users in sorting cut components or improving the design of assemblies . In laser technology , TRUMPF ’ s AI solutions help with process control . This reduces disruptive influences such as contamination or scratches on a component . On the hardware side , TRUMPF already supplies key components for expanding the computing capacity for AI developments with EUV and TRUMPF Photonic Components .
This article chronicles the company ’ s AI journey as it teaches its machinery to ‘ see ’ and fully embraces the technology for itself and its customers .
38 | ismr . net | ISMR December 2024 / January 2025