The first of its kind in the world , AP & T ’ s scalable production line for the hot forming of high-strength aluminium . failure models , which are needed for executing FEM crash simulations , were reviewed by Lucid ’ s development engineers . Lucid received tests samples extracted from finished stamped parts , which went through the entire process route at AP & T ’ s production line , to calibrate the models .
After the best performing materials were selected , prototype dies were provided by AP & T . Prototype parts were stamped in AP & T ’ s production line to build Lucid ’ s Beta prototype and Release Candidate ( RC ) cars , which were subjected to Lucid ’ s rigorous component and vehicular-level testing . Expectations were met , which gave AP & T the confidence to move forward and focus on the industrialisation of the technology .
“ Thanks to AP & T ’ s FEM sheet-metal forming simulation models , production capabilities were enabled in a really short time frame . It was possible to shorten the tool tryout time tremendously by using the simulation models which had been optimised in various research projects . As a result , several production dies could be provided by AP & T in a really short time window , “ said Dr . Michael Machhammer , Manager of Development Forming Processes & Tooling , AP & T .
By April 2021 , we had increased speed to produce 1,500 component sets of door rings , B-pillars and battery pack covers for Lucid Air in Ulricehamn
Large-scale production
The question now arose as to who would provide the large-scale component production . Leaning on past successes and the long working relationship , AP & T recommended the fischer Group as the manufacturing partner to help meet Lucid ’ s production demands .
“ Our relationship with AP & T extends back 20 years and we frequently exchange innovative forming process ideas with its R & D team . About five or six years ago , AP & T presented the benefits of hot-formed aluminium which sparked our interest in taking a deep dive into the technology . We are constantly looking for new areas and applications to contribute our knowledge in tool-based forming and our expertise as a supplier to the automotive industry . This gave us the opportunity to do just that ,” explained Dr . -Ing . Stefan Geißler , Managing Director , fischer Hydroforming and key account manager for the collaboration with AP & T and Lucid .
With all of the right partners in place , AP & T and the fischer Group started planning the industrial production of Lucid ’ s components at fischer ’ s Achern facility in southern Germany . While AP & T relocated its existing servohydraulic press and tools to Achern , production at their Ulricehamn facility began immediately during this transitional period , allowing the project to stay on track .
Lucid and AP & T also worked closely with fischer to modify aspects of the heat-treatment parameters to ensure that the components would be within specification , while enabling high-volume capacity .
“ AP & T ’ s and our team did a fantastic job together . By April 2021 , we had increased speed to produce 1,500 component sets of door rings , B-pillars and battery pack covers for Lucid Air in Ulricehamn ,” said Thorsten Junge , Head of Business Development , fischer Hydroforming .
Lucid ’ s line-up of vehicles .
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