ISMR December 2022 / January 2023 | Page 13


BMW Group producing iX5 Hydrogen model

The BMW Group is commencing production of its BMW iX5 Hydrogen model . Manufacture of the small-series , hydrogen-powered vehicle is taking place in the pilot plant at its Munich Research and Innovation Centre ( FIZ ). Its first ever Sports Activity Vehicle ( SAV ) featuring hydrogen fuel cell technology has already completed an intensive programme of testing under demanding conditions during the development phase and will now be used as a technology demonstrator for locally carbonfree mobility in selected regions from spring 2023 .
“ Hydrogen is a versatile energy source that has a key role to play as we progress towards climate neutrality ,” said Frank Weber ,
Member of the Board of Management of BMW AG responsible for Development .
“ We are certain that hydrogen is set to gain significantly in importance for individual mobility and therefore consider a mixture of battery and fuel-cell electric drive systems to be a sensible approach in the long term . Fuel cells don ’ t require any critical raw materials such as cobalt , lithium or nickel either , so by investing in this type of drive system we are also strengthening the geopolitical resilience of the BMW Group . Our BMW iX5 Hydrogen test fleet will allow us to gain new and valuable insights , enabling us to present customers with an attractive product range once the hydrogen economy becomes a widespread reality ,” he added . n

Sustainability focus at EMO Hannover 2023

Climate change ; environmental protection ; energy and material efficiency — sustainability is now an integral part of our daily lives . It will also feature prominently at the EMO Hannover 2023 event from 18 - 23 September 2023 .
“ Experts will be presenting ambitious , longterm strategies – and every proposal which is implemented represents a step in the right direction . But how can sustainability goals be met in a practical and , above all , verifiable way ?” the show organiser explained .
“ Innovation and change are part of the DNA of production technology . EMO Hannover will play a role in shaping the far-reaching changes in working methods , technology , sustainable production and the organisation of production and business processes . In the Future of Sustainability section , we address sustainability as a task facing society , as a whole . It has a major impact on companies in the manufacturing industry ,” it added .
Visitors will be able to learn more about current trends in energy efficiency ; the integration of renewable energies ; circular economies ; lifecycle concepts ; alternative drives and more at www . emo-hannover . de / future-of-sustainability-in-production Exhibitors can also register for the joint ‘ Sustainability in Production Area ’ to present
The research laboratory , ETA-Fabrik , is taking an integrated approach to raising energy and resource efficiency , as well as energy flexibility . Photo : PTW , TU Darmstadt . sustainable production solutions to the international trade audience .
Germany has undergone thirteen economic cycles over the past seven decades . Companies emerged stronger from them by developing globally competitive products , continuously increasing their productivity and keeping a close eye on their manufacturing costs . Strong production , automation technology and effective factory organisation played a significant role in this . The availability of raw materials and energy at low prices was also crucial . However , to thrive in the current climate , further criteria must now be met .
“ These inevitably include greater environmental sustainability . Today , however , this is often reduced almost exclusively to decarbonisation , whereas companies should instead be focusing on comprehensive planetary boundaries ,” clarified Prof . Jens Wulfsberg , President of the German Academic Association for Production Technology ( WGP ). There are also requirements for social sustainability and global justice throughout supply chains ( working conditions , wages , education and so on ).
“ At the very top of the agenda is resilience , combined with effective
Prof . Jens Wulfsberg . deglobalisation to avoid disruptions in supply
chains ,” emphasised Wulfsberg , Professor of Production Engineering at Helmut Schmidt University in Hamburg . The most important issue from today ’ s perspective is undoubtedly the declining availability of low-cost energy .
“ However , it should be noted that energy is not a scarce commodity worldwide . Through the use of new technologies , politicians and industry still have it in their [ gift ] to provide sufficient quantities of low-cost , non-fossil-based energy ,” clarified Wulfsberg . Overall , companies are starting to call for a multi-dimensional transformation .
“ WGP is doing all in its power to translate the scientific efforts in this area of industrial development into transformational momentum . Above all , this involves supporting industry in its attempts to increase energy efficiency and to develop a sustainable factory for the world with the appropriate production machinery , automation and digitalisation , and adapted procedures and processes . The scientific societies are at the disposal of companies in the process of shaping these developments ,” he concluded .
EMO Hannover 2023 is a leading global trade fair for production technology . Under the banner of ‘ Innovate Manufacturing ’, it will showcase the entire range of modern metalworking technology at the heart of every industrial production process . The main focus is on cutting and forming machine tools ; manufacturing systems ; precision tools ; automated material handling ; computer technology ; industrial electronics and accessories .
More than 2,200 exhibitors from 47 countries attracted nearly 120,000 trade visitors from around 150 countries at EMO Hannover 2019 . EMO is a registered trademark of the European machine tool association , CECIMO , and is organised by the VDW ( German Machine Tool Builders ’ Association ). n
. emo-hannover . de
ISMR December 2022 / January 2023 | ismr . net | 13