Image : Shutterstock . com .
■ Transportation : Waste Mission will transport waste to the appropriate recycling or disposal facility , ensuring that all regulations are met .
■ Disposal : Waste Mission aims to recycle or dispose of all waste in a safe and environmentally responsible manner , ensuring that all waste is properly handled and documented .
These technologies facilitate the tracking and management of resources throughout their life cycles , enabling businesses to :
■ Identify opportunities for resource conservation and waste reduction .
■ Enhance communication and collaboration across supply chains .
■ Align efforts towards circular objectives .
The metalworking industry is uniquely poised for success in the circular economy in many regards . It ’ s not easy to find something that ’ s 100-per-cent recyclable over and over again , but metal is just that . Virtually all old metal can be reborn as new metal of the same quality . One of the primary methods to produce steel , using the Electric Arc Furnace ( EAF ), can use 100 % scrap metal .
Making sustainable waste management easy
It ’ s important to define the very tangible benefits that sustainable waste management can bring to any business .
One of the most significant benefits is improved public health . By reducing pollution and improving air and water quality , sustainable waste management helps to prevent diseases and makes cities more “ liveable ”.
Sustainable waste management also :
■ Creates job opportunities in areas such as waste collection , sorting and processing .
■ Helps to raise awareness of environmental issues .
■ Reduces the emissions from associated transport costs as well as the transport costs themselves .
■ Encourages people to support environmentally friendly waste disposal methods .
■ Encourages people to take actions that benefit the environment .
■ And , finally , it increases profits , putting more money in the hands of those who have earned it instead of today ’ s modern thieves .
Metal recycling is also a highly regulated industry so staying compliant with waste management regulations is essential .
An integrated service
As sheet metal manufacturers continue to work toward environmental stewardship , increasing efficiencies and refining processes , sustainability cannot be considered from a single angle . That is why , last year , Waste Mission launched its ‘ Integrated Total Waste Management Service ’ which includes :
■ Dedicated contract managers , no matter the size of the account .
■ Waste assessment : the Waste Mission team will assess the client ’ s current waste management practices to identify opportunities for waste reduction and recycling while also assessing opportunities to increase revenue in their commodity waste streams . It aims for single-grade markets to achieve the best returns .
■ Customised waste management plan : working with the client to create a tailored waste management plan that meets specific needs and goals . This may include balers / compactors to reduce volumes and maximise returns .
■ Waste collection : the WM team will collect waste on a schedule that meets the client ’ s needs , ensuring that waste is properly separated for recycling or disposal and providing the relevant equipment for waste to be managed .
The Integrated Total Waste Management Service expanded the Waste Mission commitment to environmental sustainability and carbon reduction by providing businesses with a comprehensive and proactive solution for waste management . The mission is to reduce carbon and aim for Zero to Landfill . A customised waste management plan includes waste reduction strategies , recycling solutions and proper disposal methods . n
About Waste Mission
Waste Mission began its journey in the UK in 1985 as metal recycling company ‘ Alchemy Metals ’. During the past 40 years , the company has strived to make the world a few shades greener , by turning complex waste challenges into simple , sustainable solutions . It rebranded as Waste Mission in early February 2024 to emphasise a strategic shift to focus on environmental sustainability .
Fuelled by collaboration with its customers , Waste Mission ’ s internal exploratory environment has brought about innovative approaches and sustainable solutions to waste management designed to benefit its customers ’ bottom lines by encouraging them to rethink waste while identifying valuable opportunities within the UK ’ s burgeoning circular economy . The company is a one-stop shop for partner companies : waste partner , collaborator and consultant . To book a waste review , email control @ wastemission . com . Meet Waste Mission on its stand 6-545 at MACH 2024 in Birmingham , UK , from 15-19 April 2024 where it will be demonstrating its new customer portal .
www . wastemission . com
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