Islands Real Estate Summer July 2014 | Page 20

John Cade 250-537-7547 • 1-888-537-0500 office: 250 537-5553 [email protected] r to sell od yea n’t a goSalt Spring as 2012 wr home on ter. the win yo u d cially in nd he offere ‘ ...espe John a ould we c lled We ca tions on how vice worked ! gges dds'. His ad 2 months. su ithin our o ‘better ld our home w eting so ’s mark John id John negotiating ly d Not on hook’’, his ! et the eled them in’ 's ‘re a s fu n ! n... it w you Joh alcolm Thank sM J hri oh n & C W e recent ly had \with J oh n the opportu n ity to w ork looking J oh n’s exp e rience, str for a house. a ig ht to th a pproach o e f d rea ms we ha nd li ng ou r req uests point re fu lfi lled J oh n is li k by ou r pu rc a nd e a nd tells it a dog on a bone he ne hase. of a rea lto to you li ke it is. If yo ve r stops rw u’re J oh n Cade e recom mend you co in need n nect with . Ou r goa ls we com m itme nt to us a nd re met by J oh n’s h is with in the rea l estate expe rience business. Carol & 101 - 115 Fulford-Ganges Rd, Salt Spring Island, BC, V8K 2T9 Ganges Business Brinkworthy Retirement Tom B rem ne Residential Waterfront Ocean View Building lot $575,000 $28,000 r $129,000 “Customers First and Foremost” ISLANDS REAL ESTATE SUMMER 2014 • PAGE 15 $259,000 • A HOME THAT NURTURES THE SOUL NOW $454,000 *private attractive gardens *2nd bdrm has added floor space and garden access *propane fireplace; new fencing *sizeable rooms $159,000 MLS® 335913 W NE INCREDIBLE VALUE ICE PR NOW $379,000 SALT SPRING ISLAND NOW $125,000 ISLANDS REAL ESTATE SUMMER 2014 I 20