IslanderView Digital Magazine January 2018 | Page 6
Hafa adai IslanderView familia! help do things “right” and make it bet-
Thank you for following me, Islander- ter, we should offer our help.
View blogposts on FB, IG, and Twit-
ter. This is my first digital magazine Christmas at our house was al-
of the year. After restarting Islander- ways very festive. From cleaning out
View and giving it a boost, I’m very the house top to bottom, and I mean
happy to have found a free digital top to bottom, to decorating and get-
magazine app I can use to share ting all the ingredients together just in
more IslanderView information and time to prepare for the feast, our mom
news in a dynamic and professional was a blast. Often the grocery shop-
way! ping would include extra dishes and
sides that, of course, would mean a
Christmas At Our House is based on higher bill at the register. Much to
my take growing up in the Flores our dad’s dismay, but he never told
household and Christmas tradi-
tions in our home as our parents,
especially our mom taught and shared
with us. Her name was
Tilly Flores .
She was a fashionable woman with a
unique style and was always looking
fresh even while slaving away in the
kitchen, and not just ours! She would
We had to show respect to our el-
ders wherever we were. If we did
not Nginge’ our elders, they would
tell on us.
be first to offer help and as I look
back I now think it was because she
was of the thinking that if you could