Island Life Magazine Ltd January/February 2006 | Página 12

JOHN HANNAM Sir Cliff Richard Who hasn't John met? When I’m travelling back from mainland interviews I still have to pinch myself to make sure it really happened. Did I actually interview Charlton Heston, Sir Cliff Richard, Dame Vera Lynn and Eartha Kitt? I must have been acting out the role of an interviewer. Things like this should just not happen to a shy kid from the Island. A year or so later Eartha was appearing at the Kings Theatre, Southsea, in a Mother's Day concert. I produced the letter and within two minutes my wife, daughter and myself were all in her dressing room. We had such a warm welcome and she gave my daughter her Mother’s Day chocolates. When I was living in East Cowes I wrote to Eartha Kitt, one of my all-time favourites. Was it just a schoolboy crush? Well, I did get back a signed photograph and I still have it. Thirty years later I wrote to her again. This time at a London theatre where she was starring in Follies. I simply asked if I could come up and interview her. It was more in hope than expectation. Imagine my surprise when she invited me up to meet her. Last Christmas I decided to try and interview Nadia, who had won the Big Brother television series. I had never seen the programme – and still haven’t – but knew that she would be popular on my show. It took more setting up than some of the Hollywood stars I have interviewed. Her agent wanted to know so much and made it rather difficult. In the end I put my cards on the table and spoke my mind. It worked and the date was set. I arrived early at the Mayflower, Southampton, where she was appearing in a pantomime. I waited up until around 15 minutes before the show was due to begin and Nadia had still not arrived. I was the least of their worries. Who would play the Mermaid? In the end she arrived in the nick of time and the interview was rescheduled for another day. By this time I was beginning to wonder if it was really worth it. In the end she did turn up, blissfully unaware it should have been a few days earlier. There was a happy ending. She actually proved very hospitable – and what legs! I went bearing gifts – a plant from Haylands Farm and a box of chocolates. It was a very