Island Life June July 2015 June July 2015 | Page 27

ISLAND LIFE MAGAZINE k for Island MP when their arguments are based on sound evidence you can understand why it is difficult for the Government to make exceptions to the standard funding formula. But backbenchers can and do make a difference, particularly when they work together to achieve common aims – and that is often most successful when it is done on a cross-party basis. Many people would be surprised how much work in the House of Commons is based on finding common ground with people whose political views differ from your own and work on the areas you agree on rather than the differences. During the last Parliament I became a founding Parliamentary Patron of the Rural Fair Share group. The main aim of the group (whose members include Nobody can deny that there are wonderful benefits to living on the Isle of Wight, or in other rural areas in England – but there are also downsides, and unfair Government funding is one of them. So I want to assure Islanders that I will support the Isle of Wight Council’s attempts to get the Government to recognise the additional costs they face. But also over the next five years I will work with parliamentary colleagues of all parties to get a fairer deal for our rural communities. I believe that the legislation to ensure English votes for English Laws will help in our campaign and I know this Government is committed to listening to what the Rural Fair Share Group have to say. It will not be easy – but we believe in what we are fighting for, and will not give up. Andrew Turner MP The Riverside Centre, The Town Quay, Newport 01983 530808 [email protected] MPs and Peers from across the political spectrum) is to get the Government to recognise and address the historic imbalance in funding between rural and urban areas. This has happened under Governments of all colours. Research published by the Rural Services Network shows that rural residents earn less, on average, than those in cities, pay higher council tax, and see urban areas receive Government grants fifty per cent higher per head than those in the countryside. “I want to assure Islanders that I will support the Isle of Wight Council’s attempts to get the Government to recognise the additional costs they face.” 27